$50,000 worth of studio gear stolen in Canada

Retweeted this from your shit bands say account, that really sucks... At least most of the gear is rare and vintage, should be hard to sell for the dicks who stole it.
I live in Van so I've already seen this, but it's brutal man. I don't know them personally, but a good friend of mine knows the owners and says they are some of the nicest people he knows.

I hope something good comes out of all this.
I saw this a few days ago, it really makes me sick when people get gear stolen, but when i read this its almost upsetting because the gear this dude had stolen is fucking important, i cant believe scumbags would actually do this :(
I've been posting this around even if I'm quite far from there. Hope the guy gets back his stuff...
Wow, so sad.

And for him to be so calm and cool about it.....I pat this guy on the back.

Errr, you know damn well he'll be waiting with a crowbar when they come to return his stuff.....:Smokedev:
Holy shit, reading that craigslist post made me so fucking bummed. You can totally identify with this guy, seriously makes me furious and depressed to read that. Enough to make me seriously consider buying a gun a putting up a "Tresspassors will be shot on site" sign...