50 Year Old METAL Man!!!


My name is Rudo Anvilmeister, and I used to be a co-editor of the 80's Metal fanzine "Suck City." We were in business for three years (1984-1987), and put out 13 issues. The mag was known which for its Dada-Daliesque weirdness. I have recently come out of retirement, and started my own blog called "Rudo's 8 Cent Marvels," where I share what interests me: METAL, Prog, folk, country, old fart rock, photos, old Studebakers, yesterday's pizza, and tomorrow's ripe tomatoes!

Come check it out at:


While I will cover a wide spectrum of topics, the main focus right now is METAL, in all its 8 cent glory. I love METAL of all kinds, and will reflect that. Right now I have been on a Traditional Epic METAL kick, and this is reflected in my lengthy review of Crescent Shield's "The Last Of My Kind" CD.
