6505 Problem?


Dec 26, 2010
Suffolk, UK
Hi Guys,

Recently my 6505 has started making these loud as fuck popping noises when palm muting notes on the lower strings. At first I thought that it was just because the tubes are warming up, so it's no big deal I'll just give them longer to warm up, but this week it's been happening all the fucking time, not just intermittently like before.

Then today it made the loudest pop I've heard and caused a good portion of the gain to disappear on the red (lead) channel. So naturally I checked the tubes by tapping them with the rubber end of a pencil, and apparently they're fine although it could still be the pre-amp tubes (but the amp is 6 weeks old). So I'm a bit confused by now, so I try four different outlets in different rooms in the house to make sure it's not the outlets in my room causing something untoward, this changes nothing, still a lack of gain and intermittent popping when playing.

Also, I don't particularly want to start switching tubes about because I just rang the shop and said they'll look at it for free as long as I haven't messed about with it, but I'll have to pay for replacement parts that aren't covered on warranty which apparently most of the amp.

Anyone got any idea's? the only thing I can think of is a cold solder joint :(
Any idea how old the preamp tubes are? Sounds like they could be on the fritz.
I don't know, I would guess less than 6 months old. I've only had the amp for 6 weeks and it wasn't used at all by me until 3 weeks ago when my new cab got delivered.

I just got off the phone with the shop (I won't name) and they just told me with out a doubt it's the power amp tubes, which doesn't seem like they could be the cause at all. So I'm thinking of tackling this on my own since all the shop carries tube wise are the Mesa tubes and they're £50 a pair. For the price it would cost me to get just those tubes in the power amp I could completely re-tube the amp!

So while we're talking about tubes, would a Tung-Sol 12ax7 in V1 and JJ 12ax7 in the rest of the pre-amp be a good combo for a 6505? and JJ 6L6's in the power amp?

Check out dougstubes.com, they usually do really good prices on most brands. That said; I'm going with the people at the store saying it's the power-amp tubes kicking the bucket. This sort of shit is pretty damn common for decaying tubes, I'd replace them before one of them blows on you.
I think the pencil tapping thing only works if a tube has gone microphonic, they can go out without being microphonic too.
I think the pencil tapping thing only works if a tube has gone microphonic, they can go out without being microphonic too.

This is true .... in addition take your cable and run it in and out of the send and return of the FX loop a few times see if this fixes the issue.

If that doesnt work get a set of tubes from a friend and put them in the head and try it. If it stops you know the tubes are the issue. If not ..... well reapir shop it goes.
Ok thanks for the advice. :)

I'll get some new tubes in asap and l hopefully they'll agree to ordering in some JJ's or something that isn't Mesa, since I'm not paying £100 for 4 6L6's :lol: