I download the Revalver III demo and I can tell its going to change my life! I instantly fell in love with the JSX, but after tweaking for a while, I think the 6505 is my favorite. Here's a little quad tracked sample. Two guitars are on the red channel, two on the green channel. How does it sound?
Guitar chain:
Ibanez S with Seymour Duncan JB > Modded TS9 > DOD direct box > ART MPA Pro tube preamp > Delta 1010 > Revalver III. I used an impulse called "Behindert NewIR_1."
Guitar chain:
Ibanez S with Seymour Duncan JB > Modded TS9 > DOD direct box > ART MPA Pro tube preamp > Delta 1010 > Revalver III. I used an impulse called "Behindert NewIR_1."