6506 1x12 combo amp?

Tommy Evans

Jul 19, 2011
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Sorry if this has been brought up before, the search function is hard to use on my phone, and once I got it to work I didn't see anything directly related to this topic.

Anyone use one of these combo amps? If they sound as good as the 6505 head that most of you guys make sound amazing, I'll seriously consider saving up for one. It's all tube, which is something I've never used before or have any experiance with. If anyone has any clips they can post with this amp being used id love to hear it. Or any more info on it. Thanks!
Im going to bump this.. im very interrested as well in getting one, im also very curious how that speaker simulation works (probably not that well, but still curious).

Peavey MSDI microphone-simulated direct interface, which eliminates the need for miking by allowing users to route the amp's signal directly to a recording device or mixing console.
They're awesome amps for the money. They're biased a little hotter than the regular 6505's, so they're fatter and warmer right out of the gate. Also, dealers have a pretty decent profit margin on these (American made 2x12's and heads are different) so if you go through a local dealer, there's enough wiggle room to get a great deal all while the store still keeps a smile.
I have one, it's my main amp. I like it quite a bit. I got mine a year ago when cash was much tighter... for the price, it's excellent. It's definitely got the 5150 thing going on.
I've never played the 5150II/6505+ head version, so I can't really compare it, but I used to own a 5150 head a few years ago and the tone is definitely there. Although, of course, it's a bit different due to it being the + and not the normal version.

On its own in the room it sounded pretty good, but I couldn't get a decent mic'd sound out of it with the stock combo speaker. I found a good deal on a Recto 2x12 so I'm using that now, and it's much better. YMMV of course. I haven't changed the tubes at all. Maybe a tube swap would improve the sound from stock.

Still a great amp IMO. I haven't had any trouble with mine despite being built in China. I'd love to buy another 6505 Head sometime, but the combo can definitely hold its own, especially through a larger cab.

Bottom line: a good amp for the price, to me seems solid, sounds good on its own, and down the line if you want to replace the speaker or use a separate cab, it'll sound even better.
Thanks buddy!

I was also a bit confused, because i own the head for now about 2 years and one year ago i tested the combo on a mesa std 4x12 in comparison with the 6505+ and the 6534+.

The 6534+ has just a bit more the touch of a lead amp, but the 6505+ and the 6505+combo just sounded the same. So i modified my 6505 to EL34 power tubes and bought the 6505+combo for rythm work. will never regret :)
Great amp for the money. The stock speaker is a little nasally. Ditch the stock speaker and install a V30 or run a 2x12/4x12 v30 cab and you will be impressed.
Great amp for the money. The stock speaker is a little nasally. Ditch the stock speaker and install a V30 or run a 2x12/4x12 v30 cab and you will be impressed.

Here is a clip with the 6505 112, 2x12 v30 cab, sm57, EMG 81 and tubescreamer. My playing is quite loose but you will get an idea how the amp sounds. I know there are a lot of guy's on this forum that could get a better tone with this amp but here you go.

I find the character of the amp to be a little bit "stuffy," like it has congested sinuses. It's pretty tough to dial that out. But I have not played the head version, so maybe it also has this tonal character.

I really like the way it records - but I run it through a mesa 4x12.