6th anniversary of Chuck Schuldiner's passing....


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Sixth Anniversary of DEATH Legend Chuck Schuldiner’s Passing; Day Of Remembrance

Posted on Wednesday, December 12, 2007 at 20:39:05 EST

Empty Words, the official Chuck Schuldiner website (DEATH, CONTROL DENIED legend) has issued the following update:

"Today, December 13th, on the sixth anniversary of Chuck’s passing, we have an excerpt of an interview that Chris Reifert (AUTOPSY) did for Metal Rules earlier this year. At that time it was exactly 20 years ago that Chuck and Chris would conquer the world with this “two man Death machine” on Scream Bloody Gore.

Further we have three interviews from the Moroccan Zero Tolerance Webzine: an interview with Tim Aymar (Control Denied singer), interview, Sean Reinert (drums; CYNIC) and an interview with Bobby Koelble (guitar). And finally, an interview with Kelly Conlon (oh yes Kelly Conlon! Death’s mighty bassist on Symbolic) also from the Zero Tolerance Webzine. Enjoy and