7 Axe-Fx videos


Old newbie
I just uploaded those vids for some friends, this is a review of all my Axe-Fx presets, split in 7 videos. I recorded the audio straight to the soundcard for best sound quality. I played non stop (first 4 vids are from a continued 28 min recording), with a minimal editing to censor the most horrible mistakes. I was in really bad shape when I borrowed he camcorder from a friend, but whatever, this is a demo of the sounds of the Axe, not of my guitar (in)competence ;)


Soon, I will upload Mp3s of reampings through the Axe
As promised in my first post, here's some reampings… They're from the solo parts of two songs of a forthcoming album of my band, Feedback, reamped through the Axe, using various amp models for the lead and the rhythms.

Link is here, it's a RAR compressed archive, with 9 mp3s inside :

Note that I did all those reampings in less than ideal conditions :
- I used a Line6 POD XT as an audio interface to send the dry guitar tracks to the Axe. It produced a hiss I couldn't get rid of and I had to use very high gate settings in the Axe to compensate but in some case even that was not enough (with even higher gate settings I had drop outs in the sound).
- If I tracked my album in 24 bits with a Creative Audigy 2 soundcard, which I borrowed at that time, for the reamping I used my Audigy 1 soundcard which can only record 16 bits (although it can process 24 bit files). And I used the Axe analog outputs, not the SPDIF. Not pro conditions by any means.

Also note that the presets I'm using here are just some sounds I made while testing the hi gain amp models, not finished sounds I plan to use live. Since I got my Axe in January, I concentrated much more on programming sounds for a pop-rock cover act I play with ; I've yet to program specifif presets for my metal band

I also noticed that in the mix, sonic differences between the various presets I used are attenuated. When I play with these presets without any accompanying music, the differences are much more sensible. I should also have used differen speaker sims between those presets but whatever…

You can hear the full version of the song "Priceless Innocence" on Reverbnation :
That version was recorded with Amplitube 2/Revalver MKII and GuitarHack impulses. Unfortunately I wont be able to reamp the whole album with the Axe before it is released
As promised in my first post, here's some reampings… They're from the solo parts of two songs of a forthcoming album of my band, Feedback, reamped through the Axe, using various amp models for the lead and the rhythms.

Link is here, it's a RAR compressed archive, with 9 mp3s inside :

Note that I did all those reampings in less than ideal conditions :
- I used a Line6 POD XT as an audio interface to send the dry guitar tracks to the Axe. It produced a hiss I couldn't get rid of and I had to use very high gate settings in the Axe to compensate but in some case even that was not enough (with even higher gate settings I had drop outs in the sound).
- If I tracked my album in 24 bits with a Creative Audigy 2 soundcard, which I borrowed at that time, for the reamping I used my Audigy 1 soundcard which can only record 16 bits (although it can process 24 bit files). And I used the Axe analog outputs, not the SPDIF. Not pro conditions by any means.

Also note that the presets I'm using here are just some sounds I made while testing the hi gain amp models, not finished sounds I plan to use live. Since I got my Axe in January, I concentrated much more on programming sounds for a pop-rock cover act I play with ; I've yet to program specifif presets for my metal band

I also noticed that in the mix, sonic differences between the various presets I used are attenuated. When I play with these presets without any accompanying music, the differences are much more sensible. I should also have used differen speaker sims between those presets but whatever…

You can hear the full version of the song "Priceless Innocence" on Reverbnation :
That version was recorded with Amplitube 2/Revalver MKII and GuitarHack impulses. Unfortunately I wont be able to reamp the whole album with the Axe before it is released

Sounds very good dude !
Great songs/playing btw ! One part in "Priceless" reminds me of some good Satriani back in the days !

Those sound all good, but i can't say i'm "in love" with the guitar tones either. Still i agree it seems like it pawns the POD for distorted guitar tones. I think the Axe Fx seems perfect for guitar hero kind of stuff, which is kinda like your stuff sounds :) (in a good way)
Thank you so much for taking the time to make all those vids. I'm sure a lot of people here have been wondering about some of the axe-fx tones you demonstrated, myself included.

The Axe-FX is definitely the king of versatility, I don't think anything else comes close. From what I heard in those vids, they all sound very good for impulse recordings, which they essentially are since you used the direct out.

I didn't really hear anything jumping out as "wow, this sounds JUST like a real mic'ed up amp" though. This might be because you used the direct out, using the axe + real poweramp through a cab might give an entirely different result. This is what I would really like to know.
I didn't really hear anything jumping out as "wow, this sounds JUST like a real mic'ed up amp" though. This might be because you used the direct out, using the axe + real poweramp through a cab might give an entirely different result. This is what I would really like to know.
I'ts probably my fault. I'm still experimenting with this unit, which I'm using since January. I didn't programmed "amp in room" type sounds yet, but I've just tested some reverb settings for that and it's very promising. What I can already say is that live, the Axe smokes my previous setup, which was a miked tube amp.

I know how much the Axe rules cause I use one too. Just wanted to say: cut out the modesty, your playing is awesome! Eric Johnson influenced?
Wow compliments from A Cynic member ! :notworthy
Thanks man, it's just that I just hated my playing on that particular day, specially the bends/vibrato… As for my influences, there are many, Eric Johnson is one of them for his vibrato, and improvs with major pentatonics. I like expressive players like Andy Timmons, Chris Poland, and too many to mention…
Hey did you uploaded any patch recently ? You're using the euro model, right ? Any specific IR ?

Haven't seen you around here in a while. Good to hear some more from your band.
Hey, hello ! Yes it's been a while… My album is ready btw, it's going to press very soon, I'll keep you informed