7 Horns 7 Eyes—"Throes Of Absolution"

You are a very talented guy...sounds amazing.

Is there alot of vocal processing? He sounds like a cave dwelling demon of sorts...how much of his actual voice am I hearing?

I only ask as I find screaming vocals so difficult to work with.
You are a very talented guy...sounds amazing.

Is there alot of vocal processing? He sounds like a cave dwelling demon of sorts...how much of his actual voice am I hearing?

I only ask as I find screaming vocals so difficult to work with.

Thanks man :kickass:

There's really not much going on effects-wise on the vocals. There's some reverb (in hindsight, perhaps a tiny bit too much, which came up in perceived level as a result of the mastering), and delay swells in a couple spots. There are a few places strategically where there's a bit of flanger just to make the ending of a phrase sound crazy, but it never lasts for more than a second or two, so I don't think that's what you're referring to. JJ actually just sounds really ballsy and awesome behind the mic, it's all about his technique. He's pretty loud too, but can go for a few hours without much degradation in his voice. Of course, every growler/screamer sounds better after being smashed with a Distressor, so some of what you're hearing is that massive compression (in the range of 12 to 18dB of reduction throughout), and then a little bit of saturation from the Distressor as well, but again...the name of the game with mixing JJ isn't masking someone that sounds bad, it's enhancing someone who sounds good! Pretty stoked to have him in the band.
Aaron, just got my preorder package today. I'm loving it dude! The songwriting, the production, the performances... all amazing. Definitely already (and will stay) in my top albums of the year for sure! Great job to all of you! Congrats!
This is great album. The production is awesome! The guitars are so beastly. The leads are awesome. You can hear everything clearly. I love the songs as well and was head-banging to this at work yesterday and today and didn't have to hit the 'skip' button.
Simply splendid; both compositions and production. The guitars are massive! Somehow my guitar just won't quite sound like that...
I can't identify with the christian themes/beliefs, but the music, production, mix, and guitar playing are all excellent. Great sounding stuff, Aaron.
Wow! Production sounds killer dude! Can you elaborate a little on mixing the guitars? They sound beastly and monstrous.
Picked this up too. Very nice album. Some great songs, and sounds huge.
Good service from the distributors, too.

I fall in love with this album at least once a year, and now is that time.

I could've sworn I read what kinds of amps/cabs were used on this album, but I can't find it now. Does anyone have any clue? Rhythms and leads both sound so good.

Also, weirdly enough, I'm in love with the tom sound on here.
Same here, just love that album and go back to it regularly.
Fun fact is that I just listened to the whole album yesterday on Spotify.
Is that band still active ?

Remember reading Aaron writing here what was used back then, but honestly can't remember (only heavy Distressor compression on the way in on vocals).
Same here, just love that album and go back to it regularly.
Fun fact is that I just listened to the whole album yesterday on Spotify.
Is that band still active ?

Remember reading Aaron writing here what was used back then, but honestly can't remember (only heavy Distressor compression on the way in on vocals).
Yea, there's allegedly 120 minutes of music floating around out there and I can't wait to hear it. I've listened to the first album a couple times over this weekend.
I decided to try asking Aaron directly and turns out he's awesome about answering questions. Here's his answer:

"Appreciate the kind words. To my knowledge Andy used an EVH 5150III for all of his reamping, (rhythms and leads). Single SM57 on a Mesa 4x12 cab with the standard Vintage 30 speakers. I did a little EQing in mixing, mostly notching out a couple odd resonances and some very gentle tone shaping, but the main component of clarity is definitely a combination of the playing itself, and the fact that Andy loves midrange in his guitar tones. The high mids are where note clarity lives! Try boosting the mids on an amp higher than you think you like, but then compensate afterwards in your DAW by reducing the boxy low mids, and see how you feel about it. I've also had success actually cutting low mids on a DI before reamping, which then lets me boost the mids on an amp without bringing up the mud."