7 Months


Little Grasshopper
Nov 16, 2001
Visit site
Is anyone here aware of the excellent sound of this LA band? A friend of mine strongly suggested me to give them a try, and I must admit that it took my by surprise (mainly because I didn't expect my friend to come up with such a marvellous suggestion!). Awesome melodies attached to studied structures, and a powerful voice among the songs, combining a rock based sound with a modern and tasteful progressive mixture that makes of this album a stunning debut!!! :headbang:

I'm not trying to spam over here, it is not my band (it would be quite expensive to get to L.A from my actual whereabouts in Spain) and I have no royalties invested on it (but it wouldn't be a bad idea at all!!). It's just that I know how familiar and warm this board is and I wanted to share this with you, in order to read your comments and expressions, since 7 Months is an american band and maybe you have heard of them before. If this thread breaks any rule, offends anyone or you consider it misplaced in any sense, feel free to delete it and count on my apologies.

Enthusiastic comment, Mare, I'm glad you liked it. :)

As for Mind's Eye, it's close to 7 Months regarding the sound, but their production, composition and arrangements are even more elaborated!!! Besides, their last album ("A Work Of Art") is available as a double CD edition including "Waiting For The Tide". Needless to say that I bought it as soon as I put an eye on it!!!

|ng (Yes, enthusiastic as well, especially concerning music)
|ngenius said:
Enthusiastic comment, Mare, I'm glad you liked it. :)

As for Mind's Eye, it's close to 7 Months regarding the sound, but their production, composition and arrangements are even more elaborated!!! Besides, their last album ("A Work Of Art") is available as a double CD edition including "Waiting For The Tide". Needless to say that I bought it as soon as I put an eye on it!!!

|ng (Yes, enthusiastic as well, especially concerning music)
Hey there, |ng....thanks! and yep, I am a very passionate music fan!!!! I ordered all of Mind's Eye's CD's too right after I d/l the clips and listened to them! Ken Golden @ Laser's Edge had their first and the double CD of Tide/Art....way cool - can't wait to get them! :) I'll let you know how much I like them - I am sure it will be a lot! I finally ordered ACT Final Act and Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane too! :Spin: A Happy New Year indeed! :)

ich bin besser said:
I don´t think I know that one.

Maybe Mare is referring to A.C.T, a swedish progressive rock band with a strong influence of Queen, and whose lead vocals resemble Robby Valentine's. But their newest album is named as "Last Epic"... :err:

@Mare: I won't keep on suggesting new bands, for the good of your credit card and economical status!!! :p And yeap, I'm eager to know your opinion when the albums arrive. ;)

|ng (Happy new year!)
|ngenius said:
Maybe Mare is referring to A.C.T, a swedish progressive rock band with a strong influence of Queen, and whose lead vocals resemble Robby Valentine's. But their newest album is named as "Last Epic"... :err:

@Mare: I won't keep on suggesting new bands, for the good of your credit card and economical status!!! :p And yeap, I'm eager to know your opinion when the albums arrive. ;)

|ng (Happy new year!)
To |ng and Ich - yep, that's who I mean - A.C.T. or ACT - however you slice it! I already have Final Act - it showed up in my Top 2003 Round Up - although it is in the 'honorable mentions' category of 21-25. The CD I ordered was definitely called the "Last Epic" so we shall see!

To |ng, LOL about my credit card!!! No, feel free to keep the suggestions coming....I have no doubt I doubled my CD collection in the last two years and am always looking for more music! Actually over the holiday I gave a friend a CD for Christmas (imagine that!) and he was having a fit getting the plastic wrap off...so I said "Here, let me have it - I do this five times a week!" and his wife stared at me incredulously - "You get FIVE NEW CD's a week?????" and I laughed and said "Well, OK, maybe every OTHER week! Plus some are used and aren't in wrappers!!" It as funny!!! So yes, just as Enchant says, "My list it grows, by rows and rows!" But this is a GOOD list!!:Spin:

Cheers to you and Happy New Year!
My band Prymary and have played the LA area for years now and I have never heard of this band before. They sound interesting. I will go check them out. We are always looking for bands to play with that are progressive. Maybe a show might be in order.

Mare, I meant that I don´t know an album called "Final Act".
I have 3 A.C.T-releases: Last Epic, Today´s Report and Imaginary Friends. Didn´t know that there was anything else. From when is it?
Yeap, as our german fellow states above, think there's no A.C.T album named that way. :err: Am I wrong?

I didn't know about Frameshift and this astonishing album till Mare posted a song in the NP section, some posts above. I find it incredibly accurate and melodic. I'm spending a lot of money in music, as of late. (More than usual).

So much music, I lose track and mix things up - just last Thursday I bought a second copy of Jeff Beck's "Jeff" by mistake, LOL!

Ich and |ng, you guys are right - there is no Final Act, LOL....I don't know where I got that!!! The CD I have and the one I was referring to is A.C.T.'s "Today's Report" , LOL!!!!

Hey I will post my review of Mind's Eye in a day or two....I will say this much, though - after a few quick listens of each (well only 1 of the first CD) I can say I am REALLY glad they have the new vocalist on CD2 and 3 !!!!! I read one review that compared the first guy to James LaBrie and I shrieked -- no freakin way!!! He doesn't sound anymore like LaBrie than I do, LOL!!! The new guy is waaaaaay better!!! :)

More to come!!! (And I will get the titles right! Thanks for setting me straight, guys!!!!)

Ich, hope to meet you in May!!!

mgirishfan said:
I finally ordered ACT Final Act and Pain of Salvation - Remedy Lane too! :Spin: A Happy New Year indeed! :)
What do you think of Remedy Lane? It was my album of the year (by a long shot) for 2002. I gave it an A+ and thought it was the best album since 1997/1998's flurry of great albums (The Edge, Paradox, Tyranny, Into the Electric Castle, Wake of Magellan, Holy Land).

I have reviews for all the PoS albums on progpages if you're interested. I'm curious to hear what you thought of RL.

Wow, I started this thread two whole years ago!! Time is merciless...

Btw, Mind's Eye have released their new album, "Walking On H20", which isn't as impressive as their last one, imho. I really enjoy the guitars and certain vocal parts, but the songs don't seem to fit together very well, it's as if... they don't settle down as you expect them to, if you get what I mean...
