7 Months

Hi |ng!

Where did you pick up the new Mind's Eye??? I just checked Ken Golden (lasercd.com) and even Amazon (I know Mind's Eye's other CD's are on Amazon) and they show it as not yet released. I'm all over Mind's Eye and am eally looking forward to picking this up and giving it a spin!

chynablue said:
I just found this thread...7 Months are good friends of mine. Some of you heard them playing in my car during Enchant Weekend (that's what I've been calling it, lol) and semeed to dig it. For those in the LA area, they are playing a show on April 3 in the valley...more info at http://www.7months.com.

Yes, Brother Eric turned me on to them many moons ago, they're quite good!

Thank you sire!
@Mare: Hey, you, long time no see. Well, I gotta be honest, I downloaded the album, just for evaluation purposes. In case it hits me, I buy it, otherwise, I give preference to other albums. I buy around 20-25 new albums each month, so there's no need for pushing it. I don't know if it's out in the streets yet...

Ohm, btw, french band Adagio also released (this time officially speaking) their third album, "Dominate". Both "Sanctus Ignis" and "Underworld" made their places with David Readman as their singer. Now, having recruited the talented Gustavo Monsanto as their new frontman, the band has released their darkest album so far. Notice the cover song "Fame", the main theme from the popular series of the eighties, metal version. ;) This is a must have for me, no doubt.

|ngenius said:
Wow, I started this thread two whole years ago!! Time is merciless...

Btw, Mind's Eye have released their new album, "Walking On H20", which isn't as impressive as their last one, imho. I really enjoy the guitars and certain vocal parts, but the songs don't seem to fit together very well, it's as if... they don't settle down as you expect them to, if you get what I mean...


Yes i know, and it was the time i first heard of this band by this thread two years ago. The day before, I was searching for something in the forum pages and came up with this thread, and noticed that i didn't reply, so i thought it was about time :) What about that ?

By the way, i also heard the new Mind's Eye, to be honest, it looks like the departure of Fredrik Grünberger didn't make my ears happy. Ok, it is Daniel's great music again, but guitar solos and also guitar parts are too simple (played by basist "Johan Neiman"). May be it is me, cause Fredrik was a big reason for me to love this band. His skill is awesome. But don't get me wrong, the music is great as always.