8-bit/Electro Djent

Cool. I think you should focus more on basing the music more around the catchy types of 8-bit game melodies you've got (see 1:23, 3:41, 4:17, 5:02 (even though I didn't like the chromatic ending)). You've made some great arpeggios in this song, I like it! Then of course, add in some groovy djents here and there ;) Anyway, great job, but the songwriting def. has room for improvement!

i was genuinly going to tell you to fuck off until i heard it.....really quite impressed...i tip my hat to you sir. would love to hear this mixed really well :)
man! ... this is freaking awesome. well done, mate!

i love everything about it! keep up the great work... can't wait for the full length!

how about a couple download links!?!?! i want to own these songs! ;)
I totally forgot about this thread! Thanks to all of you for your positive feedback.

I'm currently in the tracking stage of the EP, so get yourself to the Facebook page and like it to stay updated on the release! I've also recently put out a teaser so check that out if you haven't already!


Thanks mate, and yeah I agree now listening back to them. The EP will definitely have a lot more production value that's for sure. :)