8 Strang, Bogner Uber, Chuggy Goodness awaits your critzz! (help please!)


Studio Awesome!
Nov 27, 2009
Hi all. I have learned a bunch from this forum, I don't post much mainly because I don't have much to contribute.

Buuuuut! I have been working on honing my tones With a real amp (trying to free myself from the pod). I have a clip here that was recorded with the chain being

Agile 8 String>Bogner Uber>V30>Sm57>Eureka>digi002

Need a little help in making my tone pop more. Or be more present/upfront/clearer so to speak. I have played around with moving the mic but have had minimal success. Maybe I need to dial in the amp more? Invest in a Tube Screamer? Not sure....

Let me know what ya think! Any help/tips would be appreciated! :headbang:


http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3225053/9th Clip.mp3
I listened dude, tight playing man! Is there any bass on this sample? It could do with thickening a bit, but thats just me, I like bass heavy guitar tones :D
Yes there is bass, It's just a DI. Didn't mic any bass cabs lol.

Probably need to find a better bass tone? Or boost some lows to thickin it up?

Thanks for the kind words! :kickass:
A better bass tone would help, a distorted bass sound, and you could maybe copy and paste the same DI but give it a sort of sub-bass sound to give plenty of bass:D But yeah, really cool song dude, I want to hear the full version man!
Tone sounds nice IMO. It could use some more clarity to it, but given your tunings that might be hard to come by to any greater extent. I'd say it could be more so the mix that needs work rather than just the guitar tone. It all sounds a bit cluttered.
Hi Matt,

I like the tone so far.
I also own a Uber ( Rev Blue ) and I have found it more difficult
to record that the 6505. If I turn the bass up I get huge spikes of
bass in the mics during palm mutes so I tend to turn the bass right down.
I usually set the treble quite high and the presence quite low and I get
a good tone without the bass spikes but it sounds a bit trebly.
Lately I have been layering two takes, one take with lots of bass
and one with lots of treble and the combination sounds good.

You say you want a clearer sound from your Uber but my experience
has been that if you turn the gain down it sounds clear but under gained
and if you turn the gain up you get nice distortion but it is not clear.

I would love to hear if your experiences are different to mine.
Tone sounds nice IMO. It could use some more clarity to it, but given your tunings that might be hard to come by to any greater extent. I'd say it could be more so the mix that needs work rather than just the guitar tone. It all sounds a bit cluttered.

Yes I do hear you there. Still working on my mixing skills, any tips on how you would go about decluttering? Are you talking about sorting the tracks better, or doing eq adjustments? Let me know, cheers on the feedback! :kickass:
Hi Matt,

You say you want a clearer sound from your Uber but my experience
has been that if you turn the gain down it sounds clear but under gained
and if you turn the gain up you get nice distortion but it is not clear.

I would love to hear if your experiences are different to mine.

YES! Thats exactly what I am running into. I would love to try the 2 track vibe, one with high gain/another low ect... see how it sits in the mix. Ah it sounds really bad ass in the room it's in right now. I think maybe I need to play a little more with mic placement. Right now its about 2 inches from the center of the cone. Maybe play with moving it a little back/45 it?

Shit, so many options/combinations hahaha, my head hurts....

Cheers mate! :kickass:
Song sounds really cool, dude. I like the riffs. I think the guitar tone is good... could use a little more clarity, but pretty good as is. I'd work more on the bass and drums to try make them a little more crisp and powerful to clean up the mix a little bit, and then the guitars would probably sound even better in the mix.
Nice, thanks for the input everyone! I might have to go back and play with the drums/bass. Try to clean it up and see how the guitars are afterwords.

At the begining - I like you man, you've got one of my dreamed amp :)

tight playing as hell!!

I think this tone is quite cool, you should try to mess around in the mix, guitar has enough gain and too much treble for me, boost some lows also.
