80's Pop-ish Metal


Fantasy Football Genius
Jul 3, 2004
Right behind you!
I've just been listening to Dokken. What an incredible band! George Lynch just shreds! They were, imo, a very underappreciated band. Tooth And Nail is such an outstanding album. Just Got Lucky is a killer tune. Anyone remember the video, where George is playing by the volcano? Way cool!

Btw, George is a big boy now. There was a metal sludge interview (http://www.metalsludge.tv/main/index.php?module=subjects&func=viewpage&pageid=77) with him. This is my fav answer:
7. What seems to be the main argument between you and Don? What’s the problem? Did roid rage ever have anything to do with it?
Alright. Yes, I admit it. My hemmoroids were acting up.

Anyone else like some pop-ish 80's metal? Or do you just want to flame me?
Don Dokken is a fat tub of shit, but Lynch simply rules!
I've seen him play twice (opening for Dio & Yngiwie) and both times were absolutley killer. He does need to lay off the juice though. :yuk:
I too like Dokken very much. Tooth And Nail, Under Lock And Key and Back For The Attack are great 80s melodic metal albums. I've seen them open for AC/DC live in 1988. Great!
I also like my Ratt compilation album Ratt'n'Roll 81-91 very much. Every early Ratt album had a few killers and a lot of fillers and this compilation has all the killers assembled. You're In Love simply is a fantastic song with a superb riff IMHO.
But I never liked Mötley Crüe, Poison, Warrant etc. The musicianship just wasn't there.
Dokken is pretty much the only pop metal band I don't mind. I also liek a few W.A.S.P tunes, but I hate Blackie Lawless... And I saw Twisted Sister a few days ago, probably one of the best bands I have seen live.
Katana Overlord said:
Dokken is pretty much the only pop metal band I don't mind. I also liek a few W.A.S.P tunes, but I hate Blackie Lawless... And I saw Twisted Sister a few days ago, probably one of the best bands I have seen live.

I'm going to see TWISTED SISTER on Aug 21 just 2 miles away from my house:cool: :rock: