i don't think that it has something to do with the producer ZEUS.

damn, licenses were supposed to go out on 24th, something must have gone wrong, i hope i'll get it tomorrow.
Just so you guys know, Taylor's mic placements are somewhat specific to his sound and processing, which is very in-depth. His drum tones come out like this once processed -


That's with zero samples... I'd fully understand if you didn't believe that statement but I can vouch for it having witnessed him engineering and mixing for myself :)
Just so you guys know, Taylor's mic placements are somewhat specific to his sound and processing, which is very in-depth. His drum tones come out like this once processed -


That's with zero samples... I'd fully understand if you didn't believe that statement but I can vouch for it having witnessed him engineering and mixing for myself :)

as for ZEUS the kick bleeds into the toms channel so drastically that it's not really possible to dial in a good kick tone without modiying or even muting the toms chanel. there is a kit with no bleed at all so thatÄs OK, still, even if it sounds good in some cases it's pretty hard to work with! :)

the cymbals are GODLIKE on this!

Come on people!!! Post your impressions and clips!!!

+cymbals sound great
+overall tone is great
+easy to work with (interface#mixer)
+price (i paid 140€ whcih is nice for what you'll get)

-all toms are on ONE stereo chanel
-not as many possibilities as in EZ, S2, AD, BFD (routing, bleed control etc.)
-kontakt is a bitch to work with, routing is a mess, doesn't work for me
-not that versatile at all, you can finetune and Eq,
compress but it kinda always sounds like this one kit, which is basically OK...if you like the sound.
here's a short groove i just programmed...nothing fancy.
the sound was dialed in within ZEUS with the internal effects only.
i have also tweaked it using headphones and like in 5 minutes so do not expect a mixready drumsound :D

here's a short groove i just programmed...nothing fancy.
the sound was dialed in within ZEUS with the internal effects only.
i have also tweaked it using headphones and like in 5 minutes so do not expect a mixready drumsound :D


cymbals sound really nice, kick and snare on the other hand :Puke:
i just listened with my studio monitors and i think that even the snare is pretty usable. (compression, eq, verb)
the only real horror is the bassdrum! :D
Made a quick clip: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2183128/ZeusClip.mp3

Kick is replaced, snare is augmented, gave it a basic mix. So far I think the cymbals are great, the bleed is a bit out of control but luckily you can control that by fucking with the level balances. Bleed must be a big part of Taylor's sound but it was a bit hard to work with for me. Snares are not my favourite, pretty thin.

The flow note technology is an interesting idea but not sure it works that great unless for really fast stuff. It seems to just mute the hits, they still don't really ring into eachother like a real cymbal IMO.
sounds good man!
how did you manage to multi-out.setup kontakt?
still struggeling to get it to work in cubase...
sounds good man!
how did you manage to multi-out.setup kontakt?
still struggeling to get it to work in cubase...
open the mixer in Zeus
at the top of each channel, is a very small "+" sign next to send, very hard to see, just click there and set for example Bass Drum to 1, Snare Top to 2, Snare Bottom to 3, etc

now you just have to enable all the plugin outputs in cubase, therefore open the instruments panel (F11) and click the plugin output button right next to "e" and enable all the outputs you need

my opinion about Zeus sofar. the sound of cymbals and hihats is very good, also i do like the toms..
i have quite some trouble to find use for this kick, and also dont really like the snare yet.
Bleeding is defintly an issue, as its not controllable, but just like on an real miced kit, what you can do is to insert a gate plugin on problematic channels the lessen the issue, as bleed is also an important factor on how huge and natural this plugin sounds i defintly favor the full kit with bleed and not the lite kit

Also the midi-map is quite confusing, i still havnt found out what all notes are especially for, no documentation about this in the manual or website (-), and i think it lacks of articulations.
for example, the hihat has only about half as much articulations as Slate Drums 4.0.
Not sure about 1 kick mic and collective toms ...

Cymbals sound great and the snare sounds intended for these mixes.
open the mixer in Zeus
at the top of each channel, is a very small "+" sign next to send, very hard to see, just click there and set for example Bass Drum to 1, Snare Top to 2, Snare Bottom to 3, etc

that's exactly how i would do the setup and that's how i setup my superior for multitrack etc.
for some reason it does not work. i see the chanels and i assigned them but then everything is muted
and i can't hear anything...

as for the bleeding, the LITE version is the same
as the fulll except...there is no bleed. this one is so much more usable! :)
many thanks for that keyboard visual picture :-)
strange it does the multiple outputs in kontakt still doesnt work for you :(
it seems to work now, the trick is not laoding a drumkit before the setup is done. this is strange but it works :D

did you try the LITE kit wth the bleeding disabled? i think it's way more tweakable as the FULL kit.
i could also imagine combining these, or jsut taking the cybbals from ZEUS and add SSD for the shells or something like that.
it seems to work now, the trick is not laoding a drumkit before the setup is done. this is strange but it works :D
i´m glad it works now :-)

did you try the LITE kit wth the bleeding disabled? i think it's way more tweakable as the FULL kit.
not yet, but i definitly will
i could also imagine combining these, or jsut taking the cybbals from ZEUS and add SSD for the shells or something like that.
this is exactly what i have done the last couple of days, i was so fat-up struggeling with the kick and snare sound of zeus, that i just have sent the midi outputs of the Snare and BD Notes to an SSD4 Instance.. :lol:
when i have more time than i´m going to spend it tweaking Zeus of course, but at the moment i´m pretty happy with "hybrid" kit as the cymbals really sound killer from Zeus