9-11 interview. very interesting

We are/were dealing with grass roots type of terrorism that hardly has any type of infiltration before.
I don't believe any of that "loose change" bullshit and it's sad because I'm a usually big conspiracy theory nut.
In the 2004 elections Americans decided that the nation would be “proactive” in the war on terror.
In 2008, and to a lesser extent 2006, Americans decided it wasn’t worth the cost and “what have you done for me lately attitude” would rein supreme… it is now well documented that Americans will give up after 2-3 semi-hard years of war.
Beware the ides of March… The terrorists haven’t stopped fighting yet.
Krügmeister;7944508 said:
In the 2004 elections Americans decided that the nation would be “proactive” in the war on terror.

In what way did the US become proactive in the war on terror?
Krügmeister;7944508 said:
We are/were dealing with grass roots type of terrorism that hardly has any type of infiltration before.
I don't believe any of that "loose change" bullshit and it's sad because I'm a usually big conspiracy theory nut.
In the 2004 elections Americans decided that the nation would be “proactive” in the war on terror.
In 2008, and to a lesser extent 2006, Americans decided it wasn’t worth the cost and “what have you done for me lately attitude” would rein supreme… it is now well documented that Americans will give up after 2-3 semi-hard years of war.
Beware the ides of March… The terrorists haven’t stopped fighting yet.

good word.
And it what way did the US become proactive in the war on terror?

…In a smaller way we allowed selective wiretapping and we actually went to Afghanistan and Iraq in search of terrorist cells and killed them where they operated.
The incoming Democratic house, senate and president ran on the premise that the battles in Iraq and Afghanistan were wrong or improperly handled, which means the new administration will not follow the same guidelines of the previous administration and hold confirmed terrorists in a foreign land (Gitmo) and they will also try to find a way to get our troops out of those places while trying to save face and prepare for the REAL war- Welfare increases, and a now declared war on the rich unpatriotic Americans unwilling to lose their hard-earned money to pay for government misspending folly.
Instead, these terrorists will be brought to American soil and be given an American trial which will result in many going free with “sorry-we-imprisoned-you” pay.
I know I don't think we went hard enough into these battles I would have been MUCH more aggressive in search of these towel headed asshats.
I can guarantee we will now be granting them prisoner of war asylum in the upcoming years.
If you think that the Bush administration didn’t do enough to protect you and yours, Just wait for the Obama administration’s policy of answering terrorist acts AFTER they have been successfully completed.
Krügmeister;7946613 said:
…In a smaller way we allowed selective wiretapping and we actually went to Afghanistan and Iraq in search of terrorist cells and killed them where they operated.
The incoming Democratic house, senate and president ran on the premise that the battles in Iraq and Afghanistan were wrong or improperly handled, which means the new administration will not follow the same guidelines of the previous administration and hold confirmed terrorists in a foreign land (Gitmo) and they will also try to find a way to get our troops out of those places while trying to save face and prepare for the REAL war- Welfare increases, and a now declared war on the rich unpatriotic Americans unwilling to lose their hard-earned money to pay for government misspending folly.
Instead, these terrorists will be brought to American soil and be given an American trial which will result in many going free with “sorry-we-imprisoned-you” pay.
I know I don't think we went hard enough into these battles I would have been MUCH more aggressive in search of these towel headed asshats.
I can guarantee we will now be granting them prisoner of war asylum in the upcoming years.
If you think that the Bush administration didn’t do enough to protect you and yours, Just wait for the Obama administration’s policy of answering terrorist acts AFTER they have been successfully completed.

i really like you.
Krügmeister;7946613 said:
…In a smaller way we allowed selective wiretapping and we actually went to Afghanistan and Iraq in search of terrorist cells and killed them where they operated.
The incoming Democratic house, senate and president ran on the premise that the battles in Iraq and Afghanistan were wrong or improperly handled, which means the new administration will not follow the same guidelines of the previous administration and hold confirmed terrorists in a foreign land (Gitmo) and they will also try to find a way to get our troops out of those places while trying to save face and prepare for the REAL war- Welfare increases, and a now declared war on the rich unpatriotic Americans unwilling to lose their hard-earned money to pay for government misspending folly.
Instead, these terrorists will be brought to American soil and be given an American trial which will result in many going free with “sorry-we-imprisoned-you” pay.
I know I don't think we went hard enough into these battles I would have been MUCH more aggressive in search of these towel headed asshats.
I can guarantee we will now be granting them prisoner of war asylum in the upcoming years.
If you think that the Bush administration didn’t do enough to protect you and yours, Just wait for the Obama administration’s policy of answering terrorist acts AFTER they have been successfully completed.

Wow predictions and guarantees.
How does one become a confirmed terrorists?
i really like you.
I wonder why? Do you hate the constitution? Just wondering? As a people we should bring joy & freedom to nations, not our idea of hegemony! Are you familiar with Chalmers Johnson? A former CIA spook? Read some of his stuff.....it may enlighten you. And you know when you torture people (ie the Inquisition, the French revolution, and NAZI Germany) you tend to get the information you want: not the knowlege you NEED!
I wonder why? Do you hate the constitution? Just wondering? As a people we should bring joy & freedom to nations, not our idea of hegemony! Are you familiar with Chalmers Johnson? A former CIA spook? Read some of his stuff.....it may enlighten you. And you know when you torture people (ie the Inquisition, the French revolution, and NAZI Germany) you tend to get the information you want: not the knowlege you NEED!

i dont like you at all.
Bringing Joy and Freedom to other nations... are you kidding me? Seriously? We cannot even bring freedom and joy to our own nation.
If you think other nations hate us for the fact that we torture terrorists you are SADLY mistaken. The hating started LONG before W got in office... and guess what... they hate us just as much with Obama... because they are JEALOUS of our prosperity and liberties. (Yes we still have some)
You can throw words around and say W shit all over the constitution, he may have, but again we have been shitting on that document for over 200 years now.
We have activist judges on the state and federal levels that have rendered the constitution null and void YEARS ago.
The levels of predictability of your statements are akin to the foil-domed head that currently resides in your grandmother’s basement.
Unlike you, I am "in it to win it" Would it be almost better if we had a 911 every year to remind people what we are fighting for? It's obviously easy to forget when you’re safely sleeping on grandma’s couch… isn't it?
Obviously you haven't been "enlightened" to the truth of facts that you mutter about.
Perhaps you hope that the war comes here to OUR streets where nobody can safely hide behind their TV's while watching Loose Change or American Idol... our soldiers are out there defending us while you continue to "bravely" fire off mindless posts from the comfort of your inflatable Bozo the Clown bubble seat.
It has been almost 8 years since we have had any major/minor attacks here on the home front... seems SOMETHING is working isn't it?
Guess what! The "evil ones" we are currently fighting are making no distinction between military or civilian, child or adult, they are open to kill ANY American WITHOUT REASON.... and there are tens of thousands of them (maybe more)
We can thank W for saving our lily white asses.
After all, he had to endure years and years of constant whining and whimpering to do so.
Other than spouting off some CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS/NBC/ Moveon.org/Daily Coz talking-points why don't you actually find out the facts instead of stating someone else’s opinion?
Krügmeister;7989104 said:
Bringing Joy and Freedom to other nations... are you kidding me? Seriously? We cannot even bring freedom and joy to our own nation.
If you think other nations hate us for the fact that we torture terrorists you are SADLY mistaken. The hating started LONG before W got in office... and guess what... they hate us just as much with Obama... because they are JEALOUS of our prosperity and liberties. (Yes we still have some)
You can throw words around and say W shit all over the constitution, he may have, but again we have been shitting on that document for over 200 years now.
We have activist judges on the state and federal levels that have rendered the constitution null and void YEARS ago.
The levels of predictability of your statements are akin to the foil-domed head that currently resides in your grandmother’s basement.
Unlike you, I am "in it to win it" Would it be almost better if we had a 911 every year to remind people what we are fighting for? It's obviously easy to forget when you’re safely sleeping on grandma’s couch… isn't it?
Obviously you haven't been "enlightened" to the truth of facts that you mutter about.
Perhaps you hope that the war comes here to OUR streets where nobody can safely hide behind their TV's while watching Loose Change or American Idol... our soldiers are out there defending us while you continue to "bravely" fire off mindless posts from the comfort of your inflatable Bozo the Clown bubble seat.
It has been almost 8 years since we have had any major/minor attacks here on the home front... seems SOMETHING is working isn't it?
Guess what! The "evil ones" we are currently fighting are making no distinction between military or civilian, child or adult, they are open to kill ANY American WITHOUT REASON.... and there are tens of thousands of them (maybe more)
We can thank W for saving our lily white asses.
After all, he had to endure years and years of constant whining and whimpering to do so.
Other than spouting off some CNN/MSNBC/ABC/CBS/NBC/ Moveon.org/Daily Coz talking-points why don't you actually find out the facts instead of stating someone else’s opinion?

why don't you actually find out the facts instead of stating someone else’s opinion?

I cant believed you ended you rant with this statement.And as far as thanking W for keeping anyone safe, I think the people that died on 911 would beg to differ.
why don't you actually find out the facts instead of stating someone else’s opinion?

I cant believed you ended you rant with this statement.And as far as thanking W for keeping anyone safe, I think the people that died on 911 would beg to differ.

Thank you Hell. For the rest of you: GO BACK TO SLEEP!!! Keep chanting your government ordered chants: America #1, We do NO wrong. We're the best!!! Viva la Bush!!!!

America, FUCK YEAH!!!!:rock:

Almost every country/republic/Empire at one time or another thought it was there manifest denisty to be the world's power. It NEVER works. I love the USA, but clearly we need to step up, look at our constitution and realize that as a document---and overriding principle of guidance---it has been sadly discarded many years ago.

Have a Blatz, you'll feel better.
Thank you Hell. For the rest of you: GO BACK TO SLEEP!!! Keep chanting your government ordered chants: America #1, We do NO wrong. We're the best!!! Viva la Bush!!!!

Who's doing that? It's so passe. Now's the time to say how bad people we are, how much the Swiss hate us for our tropical concentration camp, how NOT giving free money to abortionists stifles free speech and not giving your paycheck to Korean clone-fakers is somehow supporting pentacostal creationists. (Yes, all references to the President's exec. orders.)And its all the fault of that evil islamophobe, George W!

America, FUCK YEAH!!!!:rock:

That's what I was gonna say.

Almost every country/republic/Empire at one time or another thought it was there manifest denisty to be the world's power. It NEVER works.

Like HELL it doesn't. Decline is inevitable. But while it happens, it sure is a great ride. Only problem is, our idea of empire is kinda fucked up. The Romans, Mongols, Brits, Soviets, and others have generally built empires to get wealthy and keep the wealth for themselves.

For some reason, we built an empire to throw money away. America Luxe Imperia is worse than the Ming Dynasty's voyages of Chang Ho in the 1400s, when they spent all their money telling the rest of the world how great they are.

I love the USA, but clearly we need to step up, look at our constitution and realize that as a document---and overriding principle of guidance---it has been sadly discarded many years ago.

Sorry, Vomit my friend (heh heh, gotta chuckle at that), but you seem to have a voracious hate complex toward America. I suggest renting a shack in the eastern hillside slums of Lima, Peru for a month or so, and then get back to me.

Who's doing that? It's so passe. Now's the time to say how bad people we are, how much the Swiss hate us for our tropical concentration camp, how NOT giving free money to abortionists stifles free speech and not giving your paycheck to Korean clone-fakers is somehow supporting pentacostal creationists. (Yes, all references to the President's exec. orders.)And its all the fault of that evil islamophobe, George W!

That's what I was gonna say.

Like HELL it doesn't. Decline is inevitable. But while it happens, it sure is a great ride. Only problem is, our idea of empire is kinda fucked up. The Romans, Mongols, Brits, Soviets, and others have generally built empires to get wealthy and keep the wealth for themselves.

For some reason, we built an empire to throw money away. America Luxe Imperia is worse than the Ming Dynasty's voyages of Chang Ho in the 1400s, when they spent all their money telling the rest of the world how great they are.

Sorry, Vomit my friend (heh heh, gotta chuckle at that), but you seem to have a voracious hate complex toward America. I suggest renting a shack in the eastern hillside slums of Lima, Peru for a month or so, and then get back to me.


good word, my love, but dont expect him to get it. he's got his leftwing talking points down to a science and it took him so long to get them all just right.
he's got his leftwing talking points down to a science and it took him so long to get them all just right.

Right on! Bolsheviks, the lot of them! These so-called scientists ought to write grants to Barack Hussein. Maybe they can take charge of some real science, like global warming carbon credit trading, or predicting singularities in deep space, or other critical proven realities that help improve our lives.

This is completely and utterly wrong. The reaction of extremists is entirely a matter of power and politics- they are essentially extreme Islamic nationalists (not nation as in nation-state, but rather the concept they describe as an umma, which is the sum of muslim peoples). They resent foreign imperial interference in their politics (specifically, propping up certain governments), economies (specifically, oil) and military interventions to support these ambitions.

To suggest that this entire reaction has been driven out of a simple antipathy towards Western culture- especially American- is especially crazy when you consider that historically Muslims have had a strong affinity with the US and its culture. As much of the Middle East and South East Asia were emerging from European colonial rule, they frequently looked to America's history and ideals for inspiration.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there's anything necessarily right or wrong with US interference historically- I think it's natural for a world power to behave in this way. But it's equally silly to suggest that the reaction to this is out of a hatred or jealousy of your culture. It's just a power struggle. The religious and cultural justifications always come after the fact.

interesting perspective. i dont know if i completely agree, but i respect the way you presented it.
I have found one commonality amongst conspiracy theories that makes argument against them fruitless. Conspiracy theorists white-knuckle a handfull of ideas while completely ignoring the mountain of facts to the contrary.
In other words. Save your breath.
You got to also acknowledge that not all of us are illogical people. In my own perspective it is logical to realize that not everything is a conspiracy, but some things are. It is pretty obvious though that facts are open to speculation. You could believe everything the western media tells you, but then again facts could come from the other side just as well and they could be claiming that the western view of factual info is incorrect.

It all depends on the source and their position. The White House or the Pentagon is a so called supreme force and therefore is considered official.

However, I think that is highly debatable, because they could use their position as an abuse of power and anyone challenging that would be deemed wrong naturally. For example, if you do research you can see into the other side of things say people who actually live in Lebanon or Gaza and could tell you a total opposite view of what is actually happening there which would conflict with the mainstream events.

Events and facts can be spun quite easily and this must be realized. Hell, people go on to Wikipedia and edit information all the time which make people think that is factual data. They (Wiki) are supposedly cracking down on it, but it used to be set up that as long as you had a valid IP address you could edit just about anything you wanted to and people would gobble that to be factual no problem.