90's Production Appreciation Topic!


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
Post youtube videos of albums from the 90's you think sound gorgeous sonically.

I will kick things off with some Mr. Bungle :D
This album sounds utterly gorgeous. Noticed its about 3-4 db quieter than my latest mix. No wonder it sounds that much more transparent and open and airy.
Great album too.

(And keep it 90's gentlemen!)
First off, +1 to Mr Bungle.

Rage Against the fucking Machine.
I'm STILL blown away by how the first album sounds. But hell I love the production of all their 4 studio albums (well, I can't count Renegades, since that's 00s, so basically their first 3 studio albums then). What I really love is how you'll have some stuff go into a quiet bit and then you'll be on the edge of your seat when Tom Morello's guitar and the rest of the band kick in full force. Dynamics for the fucking win.
Andy Wallace and Brendan O'Brien for the fucking win.

"Grace", from Jeff Buckley, fuck, that sounds amazing. I was listening to "Lover, You should've come over" on repeat for ages 2 days ago, absolutely gorgeous song.
Once again, Andy Wallace for the muthafuckin' win.

Probably not well known around these parts since they are only really known around Australia, but I love the production on The Living End's debut album to bits.
Not a metal album , but the punk rock/punkabilly vibe shines through so well. It's a little rough around the edges, but it adds to the vibe completely and it will always be one of my favorite albums ever, musically and production wise.
Vanden Plas' 'The God Thing' has incredible production for its time ('97). I had it in my iTunes cos my Dad bought it, and was listening and thought it was a really recent album, like last couple of years.. finally went to check their 'older' albums and realised it was over 10 years old!

I'm also a total sucker for Images and Words' production. That lo-finess in the highend makes the cymbals sound pretty urgh but smooths the drum transients soooooo nicely.

And finally.. kinda embarrassed about this one XD But was listening to it and the mix is pretty damn good for a 90's song, but the overall production is really modern too. The pause at 1;09 is awesome.
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King's X- Dogman

Here's the vid for the title track, but the compressin makes it sound like shit. Massive guitar tone on this album:

Some great George Lynch shredding!

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Well, it's no secret that I am a complete sucker for mid-ninetees Swedish metal productions. But that's mostly for the charm of it all, the guitar sounds, drums, and massively reverb'd/delay'd vocals, rather than 'pure sonic bliss'.
Dream Theater - Awake

Skid Row - Skid Row

Death - Symbolic

Stuck Mojo - Rising

Pitchshifter - www.pitchshifter.com

Prodigy - Music for the Jilted Generation

I couldn't find any studio vids or anything for it but Biohazard's State of the World Address is amazing too.

Pretty varied I know!
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Skunk Anansie - Paranoid and Sunburnt

Blur - Blur

I could keep going, but I'll stop now, and I realize the last 4 vids probably won't be known by anyone outside of the UK lol.
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the 90s ruled. i like all things 90s until the late 90s bastardization of pop music ala nsync etc.

really liked the first few mariah carey albums and also all the great new jack swing albums from the early 90s.

black album, garage inc, two of my favorite sounding metal albums. prodigy fat of the land was a landmark in electronic music IMO.

all the alternative stuff was great also like collective soul, soundgarden etc. brendan o'brien and andy wallace really imprinted themselves as giants along with most of the production giants of today, a lot of them made their name with landmark albums in the 90s - wallace, staub, CLA, TLA, sneap, o'brien etc.

oh also testaments low was awesome as well.
Green Day "Dookie." One of the first albums I got into and bought. Great production in my opinion. Billie Joe's guitar tone is great. I still dig that album a lot!

my ex loves green day D:
i have a copy of dookie lying around somewhere

cant have a 90's production appreciation topic without a track from that album
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