96khz Sample Rate Conversion UX2


Dirty Man-Horse
Jan 14, 2008
Just read the tutorial ahjteam posted on the affect sample rate has on ampsims. I have the Line 6 UX2 and it only supports 96khz sample rate with Sample Rate Conversion. Is this just as good as normal 96khz bit rate or will I still get muffled recordings?
Conversion can not be as good as true 96k. Maybe if you record at 48k and then upsample your track with good resampling algo result will be better.
umm....is he saying that you should record guitar DIs at 96k, instead 44.1?

i mean, there actually IS quite a difference in that video, but for some reason i doubt that many pro's work at samplerates higher than 44.1....hell, even andy said he's working on 24bit 44.1k all the time, and his sounds certainly aren't muffled :D
I'm sorry but that video may demonstrate a flaw in that software but it is in no way representative of a pervasive difference between sample rates in amp sims or anything else. It doesn't even sound like the same amount of gain.
I'm sorry but that video may demonstrate a flaw in that software but it is in no way representative of a pervasive difference between sample rates in amp sims or anything else. It doesn't even sound like the same amount of gain.

All I did was change the samplerate and the problem is in Amplitube, as I couldn't reproduce it with other ampsims. I reported the problem to IK and they were accusing that I was doing something wrong :Spin:

After that, I haven't used any version of Amplitube.
PODfarm 44.1k and PODfarm 192k, virtually zero difference in sound here.
Ok good. Fixed my muddyness problem, switched out patch cable turned the gain up. Sounds sick now. Thanks everyone.