_actual time_ update: new mp3!

scott from _actual time_

New Metal Member
Feb 11, 2002
hey dudes-

just a quick update some new _actual time_ stuff.

--all the mixes for our upcoming thrid EP are done! the EP will be called "force of patterns." here's the tracklisting:

1. holes
2. there and back
3. stutter
4. scritch
5. churn
6. seven west forever
7. perfunctory shit

--a graphic artist buddy of ours is drawing the cover, and then we'll have to get the CDs duped. hopefully that will all be done in a couple months.

--we have a new web domain: www.actual-time.com . there will be a completely redesigned web page to coincide with the release of the new EP.

--to tide you over until we get the damn thing out, an mp3 of "holes" is posted on the website, under the "news" section. Enjoy! [and e-mail me if any of the links are busted...]

thanks again for everyone's support. feel free to pass the word along to any other technical metal fans world-wide.
man, i wish i had any idea on the release myself. all i can say is that the audio part is 100% done, and we're passing off all the liner notes content to our art buddy today. he draws record covers for Sony, so he's real busy, and he's doing the cover as a favor to us, so we have to be patient. then we'll have to get the cds duplicated. we'd like to do pro cd duping, but it isn't really possible in print runs less than 1000, and we only need 500. we'll have to figure something out there.

so hang in there! our last EP "time frame" took 18 months from the end of the last studio session to the release. we're only about 12 months on this one so far, so at least that's good i guess.

thanks for your interest.