_actual time_ 3rd EP update

scott from _actual time_

New Metal Member
Feb 11, 2002
hey dudes,

just an update on the progress of our 3rd EP, since i've been getting some e-mails and i've seen mention in threads here. the recording of all the guitars for the as-yet untitled actual time iii is underway in my meager home studio, after hardware upgrades of my gear and firmware upgrades of my brain learning how to do it right. partial tracks for 4 of the 7 tunes have been laid down so far, and we hope to have all the tracking done by January.

after that, we'll only have to talk one of our friends into mixing the record and another into drawing the cover, and then we can get this third EP out to the billions of actual time fans solar system-wide who are waiting with baited breath [that means yall!].

happy winter solstice/feast of saturn to all.

PS -- anybody know what happened to the Exact Science board? it's been down for like 3 months.

NP -- Sphere 3 [instrumental rock/fusion from the UK]
2004 update: as i noted in another thread, i finished tracking all the guitars for actual time III two weeks ago. right now we're listening for any rough spots, and then we'll move on to mixing.

the really great news is that our pro studio buddy who mixed "time frame" has agreed to mix this EP, if i build him a wooden case for his computer [i'm a bit of an amateur carpenter, a wizard with the router]. that's a helluva deal, so we're all over it. it may take a while, and we'll still need some cover art, but this guy's results are well worth the wait.

tentative song titles include "13," "17," "123," and "hole tone." [in other words, we really need to come up with some real titles! :) ]

thanks again to everybody for their interest.
a wooden computer case? That's gonna be horrible; wood doesn't dissipate heat very well. To each his own I guess, but I'd be worried about it catching on fire. Or did you mean more like a computer desk type of think to put his regular computer in? I was thinking more of the chassis for the computer parts, which is commonly called a "computer case".

Anyway, thanks for the update; looking forward to the new tunes. 13 sounds especiialy intriguing :)