A.A. Nemtheanga Interview


Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
Don't know if you guys have read this one yet, but it has some interesting stuff in it:


Not least among it:

A.A. said:
I have some other plans alright, a band with KK from Destroyer 666, sorta epic metal.

Funeral pyre? My plan was really grim black metal mixed with something like Discharge, Tragedy style krust. Really obnoxious and dirty,
we'll see if I find the right people to play with.
"Rock" is such a pissweak word compared with the reality of how ARSE KICKINGLY FANTASTIC a project like that could be... but maybe that's just me.
true, but call me pessimistic with "super groups" because they usually turn out mediocre (SEE Bloodbath, and many Swedish melo-death gatherings, Nightrage, Dimension Zero, and most likely this Roadrunner All-Star thingy)

Still, this is one project I will most certainly check out.
I was saying the same thing to Demilich earlier today. But since this isn't a label saying "hey guys why don't you guys write some music together", and it's also not a "hey we're all really popular in this genre, lets get together and see how many records we can sell" (Twilight, anyone?), type situation, I have high hopes.
Décadent said:
"Rock" is such a pissweak word compared with the reality of how ARSE KICKINGLY FANTASTIC a project like that could be... but maybe that's just me.

It's not just you. I am wetting my panties in anticipation.
Still haven't listened to my "Human Antithesis" yet :erk: Fucking A.A... one of the best vocalists out there in metal, regardless of his limitations in range and whatever. The guy is fucking passionate!
every time I look a this guys name in this thread title ... I see and read Noriega ... why? :lol: