A big Hooray for Mariner & Marginalé!

Happy birthday to you both! Enjoy the day! As a bonus, here's your horoscope (prepare yourselfes for exotic meads and perfumed and pomaded companions) :Smokedev:

Horoscope for Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

O Vigilant Vestal Virgin, Servant of the Zodiac, scrubber of Roman tiles, applier of tourniquets in Empire hospices! This worried seeker of perfection shall find himself strangely prey to excess this year. Jupiter's voyage through Pisces may leave the Virgin shrieking in horror when the Bacchanalian revels begin. The Virgo may find himself suddenly tempted to drown his sorrows in exotic meads. Beware, as a loved one may become prey to narcotics. The Virgo himself may suddenly indulge in unseemly activities, fanning the fire between his loins rather than attending to the hearth at home. He shall keep perfumed and pomaded companions about him, dance naked in places of worship, and frequent the houses of harlotry.

The fault-finding Virgo, who already interferes readily in the misadventures of others, shall worsen his own situation Oct. 8 - Nov. 26 as Mars endows him with a fiery, forked tongue. Uranus and Neptune in the Virgin's sixth House of health shall have him suffer watery discharge from the eyes or a sudden outbreak of hives. He should also take care of all matters circulatory, lest his legs become gangrenous. If Virgos can still the torrents that stir their minds in 2004, they shall laugh and perceive their life as a divine comedy. Their cooking shall be savory and their cleaning shall shine.

Other Virulent Virgos:

Evil emperor Caligula; easily-hypnotized Charles Manson groupie Leslie Van Houten; Frankenstein progenitor Mary Shelley; talent-free genius Oliver Stone; real-life "Hannibal Lecter" Edward Gein; the shaman of showmanship Sid Caesar.
Crack Hitler said:
I can assure you they didn't do crack! :yell: :ill:
ooh errr :lol:
no youre not late its today!

thank you all for yer wishes.

no crack dunc. i went to the clothing shop and it was too horrible. and gotta work tonight. so that will be a low level birthday party. but next week will rock.. then i hope to celebrate it the proper man way. booze women rock n roll and all.
i had meat so far tho!

have a nice one dries! i bet youre having it already in the proper man way :( have fun :mad:

so long!