A big "Thank you" to Johan Larsson


May 14, 2007
As you all may know by now, Johan Larsson will be the man replacing Andreas B. on the ProgPower Europe show.

It's quite obvious from reading the booklet that Johan played a great part in the realisation and recording of 'The Great Escape'. The project was saved with "his possitive attitude, self sacrificing attitude (he used his own blood for a great picture in the booklet :rock:) and professionalism".

Kudos already for that :worship:!
Now he also has the big task of replacing Andreas by learning the bass-parts for the songs they'll play during the gig.

Johan, I want to wish you all the best in the next couple of months learning all those difficult (but fantastic) parts...:kickass:.
Thank you so much for stepping in and for making this gig possible!!
Yeah, I read that in the booklet notes also.

Are there any videos of him playing anywhere, or has he been in other bands?
He was in In Flames back when they were good, and Hammerfall before they became well knows. I don't know exactly what he does for the band, but from what i've read and such he plays a big role in motivating the band and making the albums, for which i'm sure we're all very greatful :) Stepping into Andreas's shoes can't be an easy task for anyone xD
Hello everybody!

My name is Johan Larsson and I´m an old friend to the band. Tommy and I studied together in high school, at that time we started making music together.

I have worked close to Tommy during the recording of vocals on Mercy Falls and The great escape album. A few times when the night has become day, I slipped in and layed down some backing vocals on "Destiny calls" and "King of Whitewater". Great fun.

I got a presonal request from Andreas B. to step in for him at the ProgPower Europe show. Honorable mission!

thanks for the support. :rock:

btw, almost all people in Sweden is called Johan Larsson ;) I am not an old member from In Flames or Hammerfall.


Thanks for the reply, Johan.
Good to see you found your way to the forum - :wave:!
oh haha, when i googled johan larsson the first person to come up was an old bassist from in flames and hammerfall, assumed that would be you xD