A Bit Of Variety

May 1, 2003
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I think that this years festival was far too over-run with Power Metal, I am a big fan of power metal, so don't get me wrong, just too much of it is annoying, just as too much Death Metal is annoying.

So I would be looking for a band list like

Agalloch(obscure but great)
Iced Earth
Amon Amarth(no chance in hell :D )
Thyrfing would be great

almost forgot

If only one Death Metal band is allowed there, make it Immolation

To see any of those bands at Bloodstock would be awesome
David St.Hubbins said:
I reckon the festival should dedicate the second stage to the heavier music (black, death, doom) and the main stage to power metal, true metal, NWOBHM, lighter thrash, speed metal and classic metal.

Yeah, I agree. I think if you got more black/death bands there, then there'd be way more posers, like when I saw Satyricon in February. Half the people at the gig looked like they'd heard about them in Kerrang, and spent their pocket money on going, without hearing the band first.
Like the idea of dedicating each stage to a specific style of metal. Personally not a fan of the 'darker' stuff, but i do like to rty new bands (thats y i went in 01...)
I think it might just work
I like the idea kind of but it couldnt work because the second stage is so small and the sound is nowhere near as good so all the black/death/doom fans would get a raw deal, that and doom deserves to be on the main stage, bring on Candlemass and My Dying Bride!
I think seperating the metal on different stages is a bad idea, to be honest.

The point is to get variety, If you have all the Death metal on one stage, You will only get death metal fans going there, but if you vary the music on every stage, then more variety is reaching more people.

What I'm trying to say is if the music is segragated then you would never discover anything new.
Bands like Agalloch or Aborted would be ok on the small stage but someone like MDB or Therion are never going to do a decent show with that space
I agree with everything Heavy Metal Samurai has said (all except his little rant about the Darkness on another thread). The point about not allocating specific bands to specific stages was particularly good. :wave:
Metal is metal, normal HR/HM ( classics & NWOBHM ), DOOM, Industrial, Death, Power, Thrash, Black, Prog...

I don't count Nu, glam, AOR and stoner Metal.

Some of the bands evolve but some stays the same.
I like band that evolve I dislike bands stays the same.

I like NWOBHM most then Power then Thrash. I dislike others cos not really my style. Sometimes OK though.

Napalm Death could headline but definitely not 2nd stage.