A Change in These Forums...?


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
I've noticed recently that things have gotten *really* goofy. I'm mostly a lurker but when I first came here things weren't quite so... peculiar. Now everyone has the extremely demeted signatures and avatars. Luz, Trey Parker, Jinn, the list goes on. [KOTNO]Narrot..WTF does his sig mean?

Nothing is wrong with this stuff, but I'm just curious... why?? Things were relatively normal, look at Moonlapse and Décadent...they still got it goin' on :p
It just depends who's drawn to the forum. Back in the split off/on-topic days we'd get guys with these huge fucking monster signatures constantly spamming the crap out of the off-topic forum.

After the off-topic was moved, most of those folks moved with it and the 'normal' folks you describe were left. In time it seems the off-topic type folk make their way back.

I don't mind 'goofy' behaviour if confined and used within reason. But you need to understand (talking to whole forum here) that it's the reason that the Off-topic forum was removed in the first place. I'm not going to jeopardize Opeth's wishes by allowing it to continue unchecked and ruin the place.
When did I bitch? I just asked a simple question.

"Why is Africa so poor?"

"Shut up and go feed those starving people you terrible terrible complainer, you. How dare you ask a question!"
I am totally with Elek. I mostly lurk, and Trey has made this forum pretty fucking stupid as of late. I did enjoy a few of the sigs, however.

I don't mind the off topic - in fact the forum was baren without it because there's really only so much you can talk about within the realm of a single band. It just gets kind of immature sometimes.
i'm not saying there's nothing wrong. but instead of starting a complaint thread, do something about it. posting an intelligent thread is a lot easier than, as you point out, feeding the starving people of Africa.
Trey, you are correct - there are many people on this board that think you're hilarious. : /

More posts won't exactly prevent trolling.

And this thread was not complaining about off topic posts.
actually trey's posts have gotten a lot more rational of late

this topic has been complained about for a long time, since before i joined nine months ago...the simple answer is there isn't really much to talk about. if you can't handle the goofiness i suggest going elsewhere, at least until the new album/tour comes and we have something to talk about again. otherwise, let's try and make a concerted effort to have a more intelligent discourse...guys?

also, i blame oinkness
Moonlapse said:
It just depends who's drawn to the forum. Back in the split off/on-topic days we'd get guys with these huge fucking monster signatures constantly spamming the crap out of the off-topic forum.

After the off-topic was moved, most of those folks moved with it and the 'normal' folks you describe were left. In time it seems the off-topic type folk make their way back.

I don't mind 'goofy' behaviour if confined and used within reason. But you need to understand (talking to whole forum here) that it's the reason that the Off-topic forum was removed in the first place. I'm not going to jeopardize Opeth's wishes by allowing it to continue unchecked and ruin the place.
I actually block the sigs + avitars they slow my computer down. Can't see them so it don't matter how clever they are!
I dont really think you can tell people not to post off topic, because people being themselves naturally go off on tangents. Trying to eliminate this completely will only piss people off. That said, you need a balance, and with the new album still months away and the pros and cons of upcoming tours being talked about ad nauseum, this can be very hard to find.

Moonlapse has, in my opinion at least, been great at trying to find this (hahaha being complained about when he is too strict, being complained about when he is gone, and now being complained about when he is too lax), but at the moment with a few of the "senior members" absent (Decadent, NineFeet, Dorian.....where are you guys?) theres a void that is unfortunately being filled with crud.

I really dont think any of these problems are permanent, just the usual to-and-fro of an internet forum, the nature of which is a changing community. If you are unhappy with how things are going, then POST SOMETHING BETTER (capitals added for stupid people). Noone likes a sterile forum, and conversely noone likes a forum filled with nonsense, so the solution really is to take the initiative and post whatever interesting, intelligent and relevant thoughts you have.

cthulufhtagn said:
also, i blame oinkness

I hope my avatar don't offend anyone. :)
This place has sucked lately. I mean, can't you bear the thought of not posting for a day if there's nothing interesting going on? There's no rule that says we need x new threads a day. If nothing's going on, stop by tomorrow rather than make stupid shit up. I don't come here to get a laugh. There are other forums here for that. There are also other good forums with frequently good topics. Join in or don't, but don't spam up this board. With the tour and new album, I'm sure it'll get better soon. Just hold tight for a while.