A Change in These Forums...?

i was thinking about it the other day. i post on a few other forums, but i feel like i don't really BELONG to the forums..i feel like i belong here, that it's my home. i like nearly all the people that post here, and feel like i KNOW most of them. i know it sounds corny, but i've been on the opeth forum for nearly 2 years, and have read it nearly EVERYday, several times a day, it gives me something to do. i am a loser haha, i could be doing homework or whatever, but i always do this before anything else, it's almost an OCD of mine, i'm just so used to coming here.

i'd definetly like to see things get better, with threads like my own higher education, and risq's new best metal cds of '05, and other existential threads, we can kind of escape the little world of opeth for a little while, and have some discussion.

as silent said above, i believe, the board isn't just magically going to get better. we need to do it ourselves, by creating good threads, and having good atmosphere. also, when the new cd/tour happens, there will be even more talk.
Elek said:
I've noticed recently that things have gotten *really* goofy. I'm mostly a lurker but when I first came here things weren't quite so... peculiar. Now everyone has the extremely demeted signatures and avatars. Luz, Trey Parker, Jinn, the list goes on. [KOTNO]Narrot..WTF does his sig mean?

Nothing is wrong with this stuff, but I'm just curious... why?? Things were relatively normal, look at Moonlapse and Décadent...they still got it goin' on :P

afaik there's a function to not display signatures. you might want to use it...calling my avatar 'demeted' is just so mean :cry: . what part about my sig is not understandable?
the_3_toed_sloth said:
I dont really think you can tell people not to post off topic, because people being themselves naturally go off on tangents. Trying to eliminate this completely will only piss people off. That said, you need a balance, and with the new album still months away and the pros and cons of upcoming tours being talked about ad nauseum, this can be very hard to find.

Moonlapse has, in my opinion at least, been great at trying to find this (hahaha being complained about when he is too strict, being complained about when he is gone, and now being complained about when he is too lax), but at the moment with a few of the "senior members" absent (Decadent, NineFeet, Dorian.....where are you guys?) theres a void that is unfortunately being filled with crud.

I really dont think any of these problems are permanent, just the usual to-and-fro of an internet forum, the nature of which is a changing community. If you are unhappy with how things are going, then POST SOMETHING BETTER (capitals added for stupid people). Noone likes a sterile forum, and conversely noone likes a forum filled with nonsense, so the solution really is to take the initiative and post whatever interesting, intelligent and relevant thoughts you have.


Well said.
[KOTNO]Narrot said:
afaik there's a function to not display signatures. you might want to use it...calling my avatar 'demeted' is just so mean :cry: . what part about my sig is not understandable?

I didn't say yours was demented :P I'm just confused as to what it means. "Mixolaxidian Harmensing" in front of a picture of some city, with a picture of some dude on the left. *shrug* It's not demeted, just damn confusing :P
I think the forum has sucked big time of late. I have tried to have a normal conversation with people, and some I have succeded. But others...Trey...I was defending him in 1 post, you know what I got as a response? Who are you, fuck you, that's what. Post like that should be deleted, it shouldn't be allowed to go on. It makes the forum not worth it. Anyone who has "keyboard courage" should get thier worthless posts deleted. I won't go so far as to say they should be banned, unless they continue to ruin the forum. I think that Moonlaspe should do his job. It looks like it's improving, but I'll hold judgment until I see it continue to improve.
Elek said:
I didn't say yours was demented :P I'm just confused as to what it means. "Mixolaxidian Harmensing" in front of a picture of some city, with a picture of some dude on the left. *shrug* It's not demeted, just damn confusing :P

well, the city is pittsburg because there where rumors on this forum that i live there...

Mixolaxidian Harmensing is just trey's way to write 'mixolydian harmonizing' which someone (ctuluflugalan (sp? ;) ) said was the meaning of 'mh'. i usually tend to start post with 'mh, ' and dekiverance and luz felt annoyed by it. the guy is just someone...i have no idea...
I don't know what's so wrong of having sigs. Well, in fact I don't care at all.

I have not been writing here because as many people have said already, there are no news about Opeth and stuff, and I'm not bitching about it. So we all have to be patient until the new record comes out and sometimes it's inevitable to keep 'on track'.
If I came here it's because I've been making good friends and having a good time making conversations, maybe spamming some threads which I have to apologize with Moonlapse.
Yes, we have an Off topic section and I'm posting there. But when you come here and you see that many of your/our 'posting mates' are here too and who don't post on the off topic section (and I'm proud to say, some of them are my friends) and if they're posting, you post what you want to post and then -naturally- you ask something and then again, starts a new short conversation (like me with Décadent, Dorian, Dreadful, Kenneth, Brian or someone else).
That's all, I know we have that place called 'seriously off topic' forum. But sometimes it's damn funny to post here even don't having an Opeth relevance.
For that, I have to say it again, I apologize with Moonlapse for being a spammer metal bitch.
<crimson> said:
i was thinking about it the other day. i post on a few other forums, but i feel like i don't really BELONG to the forums..i feel like i belong here, that it's my home. i like nearly all the people that post here, and feel like i KNOW most of them. i know it sounds corny, but i've been on the opeth forum for nearly 2 years, and have read it nearly EVERYday, several times a day, it gives me something to do. i am a loser haha, i could be doing homework or whatever, but i always do this before anything else, it's almost an OCD of mine, i'm just so used to coming here.
oh man, i know...*buries face in hands* what am i doing with my life!?
i liek KOTNO's sig....speacilly teh last 2 words there.........hahahaha............!!!.....PEAC EOUT

edit : I meant the BEST video EVER....hahaha......PEAC EOUT
Because of WAZ I masturbate every time I see ......................................