A Classic Revisited...

Not that I necessarily support this opinion...but at what time did Metallica start becoming less fan friendly? Was it before or after the whole Napster issue? It seems to me like maybe it could've been a direct cause of them feeling like they had done as much as they could for their fans yet their fans turned around and "stole" their music.

No, it was long before. Around 1996 or so. And excepting Jason Newkid, who always stayed pretty fan-friendly.

As far as Master of Puppets is concerned, it was the first album that got me into Metallica and Metallica was basically my entrance into metal (unless you include Rush and Kiss and other bands that aren't metal but helped me move on up the ladder). Disposable Heroes is a badass song...

I think the title track is one of the Top 20 songs in my own desert-island universe.
Well, Ashaman.....I'm not sure how much more I can explain my comment. :u-huh: I just meant I wonder if Metallica would've went in the same direction musically if Cliff Burton wasn't killed in the bus accident. It was just a hypothetical statement.


I'm pretty sure that most people understood the point you were trying to make, it's just that the wording of your original post kind of makes it sound like Cliff quit Metallica or something instead of dying.
I'm pretty sure that most people understood the point you were trying to make, it's just that the wording of your original post kind of makes it sound like Cliff quit Metallica or something instead of dying.

I see. I understand that Cliff was killed during a bus accident while on tour with the band. I guess it's my East Tennessee communication skills confusing everyone! :)

When I first heard the song Master Of Puppets I was blown away. Up until that point there was nothing like it's heavy sound and morphing structure. And Battery was the fastest, furious tune ever! It was definitely a ground breaking era for Metallica...
I, at one point, kinda liked Metallica, but now I've grown to not like anything they have recorded, though I do like SA's cover of Fade to Black alot.