A clip of boredom...


The Turk comin' at ya!
Jun 2, 2006
Hengelo, Netherlands
Yeah i am bored, and some of you wanted to hear some clips produces in my homestudio. I didnt have time before, but i thought: "Hey man, you can atleast spare 15 mins right?" :lol:

Here's the result, not mixed, recorded sloppy, but hey i like it :agreed:


When i have time, i'm gonna rerecord the whole thing and mix it for a change...

I didnt use any impulses, just the podxt. The settings:

Amp: Spinal Puppet
Drive: 1 o clock
Bass: 11 o clock
Mid: 0
Treb: max
pres: max
vol: 12

Cab: 4x12 Line 6
Mic: 421 Dynamic
Room: 0%

Comp: -5db
Gain: 2db

Gate: -62db
Decay: 0db

No eq but you could cut even more mids.

Stomp: Screamer
Drive: 50%
Gain: 100%
Tone: 100%

Delay: Digital Delay
Time: 20ms (i want even less but it's not possible)
Fdbk: 39%
Mix: 28%

BTW one important note. On my mixer i cut a lot of mids, since the eq mid cut of the podxt is not sufficient.

Hope it helps :)