a different interview approach!

Peter Day

Oct 14, 2001
Ickleford. Hitchin.UK
i've read the last interview and thought it was a bit boring and typical, so in the spirit of a bit of fun, which i hope Area 54 will take part in here are a few questions? each band member to answer please.....

Q1) which person that you have met in the business would you most like to see roasted over an open fire at christmas time?

Q2) Name a food that you most hate and have you ever had to eat it just to prove that you can without throwing up?

Q3) Have you ever played a particularly bad joke on another band member and then thought 'okay maybe that wasn't so funny'? and what was it?

Q4) Which band member farts the most????...... ( i bet it's Laura- ladies get to fart and get away with it WHY!!!) he he he..

Q5) whos the worst at giving directions when in tour bus/ van/ band members car?...

Q6) Who in the band takes longest to wash there hair?

Q7) Who in the band spends longest in front of the mirror before going on stage to see how they look?

and finally Q8) which Pizza rules the roost?

see really interesting questions that we the fans really should know?!!!
Honest i'm not that drunk..see not a single smelling mispake in the adove..but tit is a butt of fin?

hey dudes smile :Spin:
1) If I paid for petrol, would you play at my house sometime next week? We could pull a crowd of four or five at least!

2) Can I be guest vocals on album 4? It will have to be a cover of "In my Kingdom Cold" by Immortal, but I think it would work well!

3) Will you be bringing out a digipack version of album 3 with bonus material on it? I would pay about £25 for it at least.

4) Seriously, the offer is there if you can get to Hitchin! We can rock out all day and night, and jam some acoustic sessions, and Rob could teach me drums!

5) What is best, Hula Hoops or Doritos?

6) Will there be an instrumental track on album 3?

7) Will you be following the trend of making the last song on the album longer than previous albums? I'm thinking you can soon challenge the 24 minutes of Manowar's "Achilles, Agony and Ecstasy in 8 parts"!

8) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

9) Why do birds suddenly appear, every time you are near?

and finally...

10) Can I please have a guestlist spot for every date on your new tour? I will buy merchandise and rock out, you can't say fairer than that!