A farewell party on 30th of October


Curse You All Men...
Aug 14, 2002
We are gonna see this year off with a farewell party on 30th of October
This is a special show, coz after it we'll hardly be playing old stuff whatever happens next. The set list is as follows:
1. Last Season Purity (original version)
2. Snowfall
3. The Autumn Dancers
4. The Winter Solstice
5. Black Swans
6. + cover on a very doom song by a very well known Band from England
Everyone who wants a good piece of sadness is welcome.
Ha! Lee is right.
Gonna play She is the Dark today. Next covers to play are Emperor and Opeth.
Great stuff
HELLo! I just wanna say that it was an incredible show! I met Mixa :wave: in the toilet :loco: and promised him to write smth here, so here I am :) Emotions overfill me and I really don`t know what to say about how it was there in the concert except one russian word - "OKH*ENNO!" :worship:
It's all so symbolic... the waiting, the crying, the feelings... I just have found the following. It's in russian and it makes me cry... really. Because it's what people feel, and what I feel when I know people feel it. Simple but strange... it's very hard to explain tho. Darkness, sorrow, grace and clouding thoughts. A different world and a different life.
Forest Stream. Наступил тот момент, которого я так долго ждал. На саунд чек вышли гитаристы, барабанщик, бассист, клавишница и вокалист. Со звуком возились долго, но очень слажено и чётко занимались его настройкой. Проверяя звук, соло-гитарист сыграл рифф из песни "Last Season Purty" (кому интересно, я говорю о промежутке 01:25-01:36), который ещё с самого утра засел у меня в голове. Наконец, настройка звука была закончена и, зазвучал начальный семлп "Last Season Purity", за ним пошло соло, пото резкий взрыв гитар и барабанов, далее остаточный звуки гитар, клавиши, семплы и необычайной красоты мелодичная соло-гитара. Когда долшло до того самого риффа, внутри меня словно всё перевернулось. Далее, снова взрыв и низкий гроулинг вокалиста Sonm'a. Я оказался в плену этого всего, музыка делала со мной что хотела, резко меняя настроение и состояние от жесткого расколбаса до романтичного спокойствия. Песня закончилась, Sonm сказал: "Сегодня мы сыграем все наши медленные песни. Следующую песню мы редко играли на концертах, она называется "Snowfall". Я просто заорал во всё горло от радости. Тот, кто читал мой дневник и знает меня, поймёт, почему.

И так, семплы, лёгкие клавишные - начало "Snowfall". Я стою спокойный и с холодной радостью слушаю свою самую любимую песню данного коллектива. И вот, резкий взрыв и слова "Come and take me away!" заставляют мою кожу покрыться мурашками. Музыка снова захватывает меня в свой плен. Небольшая пауза. И снова лишь соло-гитара с её завораживующей мелодией... Отсчёт ритма, истошный крик Sonm'a и слова "Mountains of the grief - guards of my ethereal sleep" и вот уже память взбудоражена, а разум рисует различные картины, ассоциирующиеся с происходящим. К горлу подступает ком, тело наполняется непонятным смешанным чувством счастья и боли одновременно. Уже наступает момент спокойного соло я стою и еле сдерживаю эмоции, гитара и вот звучит самый чувственный кусочек (08:03 - 08:33)... Практически конец песни. Я не могу больше сдерживать эмоции и чувства в себе и из моих глаз вырываются слёзы, которые я едва успеваю остановить и стереть. Сделав это, слышу, как стихла музыка и Sonm в полной тишине говорит " I have left this all to contemplate the snowfall to realize myself..." (в оригинале "to realize my own")

Крики, громкие апплодисменты, свист. Похоже, не один я испытал подобные эмоции. Sonm благодарит нас и объявляет песню "Autumn Dancers" с ещё не вышедшего нового альбома. Это было для меня словно де жа вю. Именно во время этой песни проникла в моё сердце музыка Forest Stream, которых я видел впервые на разогреве у Katatonia. Снова те же чувства я испытал. Все те чувства, что я испытал за день до концерта Katatonia словно снова вернулись. И так же, в порыве эмоций, я изо всех сил начал прыгать и трясти головой.

После испытанных ощущений "Winter Solstice" и "Black Swans", которые прошли в единой связке, явились для меня "эмоциональным приютом". Неописуемое бешенство творилось в зале в этот момент.

Когда песня "Black Swans" закончилась, зазвучали бурные апплодисменты и Sonm сказал: "Наша следующая песня - кавер на тему My Dying Bride. Началось мелодичное вступление и чистым вокалом совершенно по-своему Sonm запел начало песни "She Is The Dark". Это было просто нечто! My Dying Bride поперхнулись бы, услышав то, насколько качественно переиграли их песню. Рискну сказать, что кавер можно поставить в один ряд с оригинальной песней.
God damn it... I doubt this translation from dictionary.com conveys it at all...

"Forest Stream. That moment, which 4 so for long it awaited, began. In Sound linchpins left the guitarists, drummer, bassist, klavishnitsa and vocalist. They were conveyed for long with the sound, but it is very coordinated and they were clearly occupied by its tuning. Checking sound, solo- guitarist played riff from the song "Last Season Purty" (to whom it is interesting, I speak about space 01:25-01:36), which even from the morning itself sat down in my head. Finally, tuning sound was finished and, began to sound initial semlp "Last Season Purity", after it went the solo, perspiration sharp explosion of guitars and drums, further residual the sounds of guitars, key, semply and extraordinary beauty melodious solo- guitar. When dolshlo to that riffa itself, as if everything overturned inside me. Further, again explosion and low grouling of vocalist Sonm'a. I proved to be in the captivity of this in all, music made with me that she wanted, sharply changing mood and state from rigid raskolbasa to the romantic calmness. Song ended, Sonm he said: "today we will play all our slow songs. The following song we rarely played on the concerts, she is called "Snowfall". I simply began to bawl into entire throat from happiness. The one who read my diary and he knows me, will understand, why. And so, semply, lungs are key-actuated - beginning "Snowfall". I cost calm and with cold happiness listen to its most dear song of this association."

AHHH I hate not knowing every langauge ever made.
These words are mine. I posted it on my dairy. How did you find it, Sonm?

When I've found my words here with your comment I was really shocked... But then when I understood the thing happened I felt the same that u described. A kind of feedback it was...

I am really glad that you guys feelt while reading my post.
Berserk, off course it is worth doing!!! And btw, learn "SSS" :D

You guys may remember me, I came to you to take your autographs. Still wonder why Sonm said "Oh my God!" when I asked to sign "Tears Of Mortal Solitude" booklet...

PS: For those who don't understand russian I will try to make more or less accurate translation of my kind of review.

Keep the flame burning! :hotjump:
No! I didn't say "Oh my god!" If I remember correctly I said "Pancake!" (russians always say pancake when something goes wrong)
And I just... you know... why do you need this signature?? LOL I mean, we are normal guys like you, but we don't ask to sign anything:))) I still feel very weird when people ask to sign things. Yes we work on stage for you and try to do our best every time, but it's pretty normal I guess. We aren't ghosts or gods who disappear next moment you see them:))) But if people feel better with our signatures then well, why not? :)))) Sill I think it's better to have a couple of beers together (when I'm not supposed to drive after the gig!!!)
:))))) Thanks for your interest anyway!
Sonm said:
No! I didn't say "Oh my god!" If I remember correctly I said "Pancake!" (russians always say pancake when something goes wrong)
And I just... you know...

Really? Maybe I've remembered it wrong...

why do you need this signature?? LOL I mean, we are normal guys like you, but we don't ask to sign anything:))) I still feel very weird when people ask to sign things. Yes we work on stage for you and try to do our best every time, but it's pretty normal I guess. We aren't ghosts or gods who disappear next moment you see them:))) But if people feel better with our signatures then well, why not? :))))

I'll explain you. I guess you know the time (period) when your life comes to an edge and you feel there's no one there for you (just you and your feeling tearing soul apart) but you find a consolation in music. Your music became such consolation for me. Especially "Snowfall", when I hear this song I feel that I'm nt alone at this, I feel that there's a way up and I'll overcome this all. It is so obvious...

So I just wanted to have a memory of those people who feels the same, whose music makes me cry, makes me feel that I'm not alone and etc.

I hate when make idols for themselves and find it stupid too.

Yes, you are no ghosts and won't disappear but who knows what's gonna happen tomorrow, right? I hope you understand what do I mean

Sill I think it's better to have a couple of beers together (when I'm not supposed to drive after the gig!!!)

Is that an invitation? :p That would be great

Anyway, how did you find this review (if I can call it so) from my diary? Do you also have account there?
2 Mazah
HAHAHAAA!! What was that?????!!!! Are you drunk?!!!! I guess yes, as usually!
FUCK!!! I wrote the huge post and then this fuck says I am not logged in!!!

A schnolz und du bist eine grosse schiese das ist natuurlich genaumlich und gemuetlich! Du bleibst sietzen oder ich smite du mit meine grosse schwarz schlange!!!