a few mixes

Tossed up 2 more mixes on my project page. Both of these were done a few months ago, just haven't had the time to post them.

The Exesion track was actually a project for a fellow Sneap forum member. Cool band and I'm still pretty happy with the mix. Only the best for my forum homies. :headbang:

The Drive-In Massacre track came out alright. Band didn't want to grid edit the drums (didn't really have the time anyways) and the performance is a little shaky. Was hard to motivate my self to get really crushing drum tones. Perfect example of playing with a click, not on a click. Guitar tone however is pretty cool. Nice and open with a pretty beefy bottom end.

check them out here
sounds thick. The drive in massacre's drums aren't that bad. there's only a couple off hits.

They're not horrible, but they rarely lock in and pretty much have no groove or feel. Bugs the shit outta me. But I've benn a drummer far longer than I've benn a producer so maybe I'm being a bit hard on dude. Regardless I hope the demo / EP can do something for them, nice guys.
Wow, that Exesion mix is fucking insane!

Did you use the AE3000 on the guitars on that one? how much JSX is in the mix? Cab/Pre? :)

the Drive-In Massacre stuff is good, but I can't get around the drummer. His playing makes me anxious.

Amazing Dave!
Haha, yea I did tweak a few kick parts. No grid editing though, just matched the kicks to his slightly wandering tempo. That shit's quick and easy when you're only doing a few parts.

Young guys, not very tight and the songs are pretty cookie cutter. I can hear some promise though, decent melodies, and they'll get better with age.
i like the overall drum sound on drive in massacre. its got a wierd but cool kind of ambience to it. it almost sounds as if the kick has that ambience too. exesion is fucking cool. great mix on that. i love the guitar tone.
Did you use the AE3000 on the guitars on that one? how much JSX is in the mix? Cab/Pre? :)

Yea, I know I had the ae3000 on there. Can't remember how much was in the mix. It usually sits around 12db under the 57 but not always. Cab was my Mesa trad., pres and a/d was the spider.

JSX / Mesa was a cool blend. Mesa was probably the main tone source but the JSX brings this super aggressive attack to the whole thing. Like the amp a lot. I've benn using it for a tracking tone lately because it doesnt hide anything under lots of gain. Really exposes and highlights any flaws in playing technique.
I have to brag on Dave a bit, i got the chance to set in the studio with him, and all i can say is FUCK i gotta lot o learning to do, the guys fucking amazing:OMG:Production wise and as a musician.
Musically I like the DIM guys more than Exesion, although both recordings sound very cool. I love the kick on the DIM song. Gives the whole recording a certain unusual character.

Guitars/Bass on Exesion are crushing. What was the bass chain?

Oh, and you misspelled "enginnered" at DIM ... :)
the guitars on the exesion project would have been better if i hadnt recorded the DI's with a EMG boost, it would have made it alot easier for Dave when he re-amped it.
Listen to the "two-step" parts... the kick is not coming in at all where it's supposed to, and the part loses momentum and punch because of it.

I'm not spoiled by any kind of grid... I'm spoiled by playing with drummers who can keep time properly.
Musically I like the DIM guys more than Exesion, although both recordings sound very cool. I love the kick on the DIM song. Gives the whole recording a certain unusual character.

Guitars/Bass on Exesion are crushing. What was the bass chain?

Oh, and you misspelled "enginnered" at DIM ... :)

Bass was the DI I got, some sort of active bass. One pass clean through the Sansamp > SCA Neve Module. Another pass with a Boss HM-1 pedal > Sansamp > SCA API Module. All other processing in the DAW.

Thanks for the heads up on the typo too, fixed.

If you guys are interested in Exesion tracking info, I'm sure MusicKey can hook you up. It's his band if you haven't gathered that already.
Ouch, the beat is really getting pushed in the DIM track. That's what I noticed the most.

Also, when will breakdowns go out of style? Ha!

That Exesion track is very, very nice. Great work Dave and musickey!