Hey looking for a few...

Kenny Lee

Oct 16, 2004
Looking for a few mixes to Mas/ oops Finish. Tunes that are ready for a mastering process on them. Anyone interested message me.:headbang:
I wanna do a few with some of the stuff I have acquired. No stem stuff, just stereo 24bit files:danceboy: Mixes without any limiting at all on the mainbus.

https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=A1546B75A12AEC88!1805 is a master ready link of DayBreak's rendition of Diary of Jane. Since switching computers, I have been unable to update the mix to reflect my new favorite plugins from Slate Digital and Brainworx (Shreadspread) because I'm having problems with SSL channel strips from Waves, but this mix is master ready either way. I did use a multiband compressor then a high shelf eq into soft clip limiter against your request when i made this, but if you master this .wav, it doesn't matter since I used absolutely no compression anywhere in the mixing processes. I understand the -3db headroom on peaks, but I usually end up reducing the volume after each mastering plugin effect as they tend to introduce clipping before the next plugin in the master chain.

I wouldn't check out my master http://youtu.be/EtWMAY74l3k until you have done yours to preserve your own mix's integrity:

DayBreak did a fantastic job on the tracking portion that I have been unable to produce any of my own compilation that meets his track at par. Personally I thought this was the best mix on the forum post, and as unbiased as i could make it, had a few friends here in Korea compare my mix to my other two favorites from the forum only to agree. So I thought I would share it with you. I prefer heavier songs, but I'm still learning how to properly mix those types of songs.

I think on this mix, all I had to use after the mix was FG-X.
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Wow if thats a cover its pretty badass. I never heard that band but I've heard OF them. Checked out the tune on iTunes.
Anyways .... Here's a take of the .wav you gave me >> Diary Of Jane

Heck of a kick drum in that thing hehehe.:headbang: