A few more new pics

Brett - K A L I S I A said:

So... Ester brought the zoom lense after all..:lol:

Pictures look great,i'd kill for Julie's boots,and you look sexy Lee..:)
Really nice pics... Especially for Julie who's as pretty as ever... Can't wait to have more pictures but also music of course!!!

Un petit hello de Suisse pour Brett... ça fait plaisir de voir que ton groupe est tjs actif!! A quand le nvl album?:headbang:
dg said:
Un petit hello de Suisse pour Brett... ça fait plaisir de voir que ton groupe est tjs actif!! A quand le nvl album?:headbang:

[French mode On]
Hey, vive la Suisse et son chocolat !!! :loco: Le nouvel album est en cours de mixage en ce moment même, croisons les doigts pour que ça se passe bien... :ill:
[French mode Off]

Sorry for the French talking here, but Lee speaks a pretty good french I must admit. I'm sure he won't mind me quoting him recently : "Mes fesses sont comme deux oranges enveloppées dans une serviette...". :oops:
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
cavegirls avatar is the hottest thing i've seen all year.


If I'm right I remember that girl from the After Forever forum. And her avatar is actually a photo of her :D
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Indeed ! If Lee is the old, Abigail Williams is the school then ?


(ok, I'm out)

Brett my man,

Did'n realise you are so good lookin'. Love the avatar:p

Lee b, cool pics, man I had no idea you guys had a forum here (vat a dick!)
I should get out of the biomech forum a bit more often:p
Biomechanoid#001 said:
Brett my man,
Did'n realise you are so good lookin'. Love the avatar:p
Yeah, I love it too, very very much indeed ;) Gaaaah, can't get over this girl o_O, I need to get laid !!! :Smokin:
Ha ! Hungary is, I'm sure, full of great looking girls, who knows what can happen between recording sessions... :saint: (yeah, right, ok, nothing... :cry: ).