a few questions


Aug 2, 2002
Visit site
1. does anyone else want a pop art camera picture? i am sending them this weekend so PM me your address n stuff.

2. am i the only person in the world that DISLIKES being at work when my boss IS NOT here? like, he's fun and when he's not here it's boring.

3. i need to have slides made of my digital photos so like, what is the average cost per slide, anyone know?

4. pretty soon i am going to have my own website, are you jealous?
1. no thanks, I'm trying to get rid of stuff for moving
2. hellz no, you crayzee
3. no clue, but I've had the best luck with getting digital prints from wolf camera if that helps
4. no, sorry.
1. no thanks.
2. hmm... haha, that's pretty weird. Can't say that i like it when my boss is around. He's pretty uptight, you see, so i feel like he watches my every move. Pretty crap, really.
3. no idea, sorry.
4. psh! i've already got bumblelovesmusic.com :)
so yesterday i came into work wearing a skirt with pants under it (yoga pants) and my boss was like 'what's with the muslim outfit' and i said 'i'm in al qaeda training' and he said 'well if you need a sponsor i've got your back'.
it's all the more strange b/c he's an orthodox jew.
that is how like, every second is at work when he's here.
when he's not here this fat guy stares at me while he chews his weird kosher food all day. :(
1. done
2. yes, you are alone. i get the most surfing/life planning done on days when boss and no one is here.
3. not sure, sorry.
4. yes, if you keep up with its content. i am too lazy with getting stuff up.
1.It's OK
2.You are not alone if for no other reason that when I boss is not there I get all sorts of people dropping in my office with questions that are usually answered by my boss. I WANT TO BE LEFT ALONE!
3.No idea, sorry
azal, you're right. i saw you and i was like 'i can't be hanging out with a chubby chaser like that'.
also, f-u i really liked that card and thought you'd like it to because it was all ny-ish.

The Montenegrin coast is so dirty, I seriously hope they bail out of this union soon.

Then we can charge their stupid kids who want to study in Belgrade large amounts of money for rent.

The Croatian shore is amazing though. Too bad we hate each other.