A good compressor for aggressive vocals


Alex Cappa TMF Studios
Hi folks!
Just wondering which compressor will make the job the best. I have a RNC that works fine, but i´m searching something more professional. Around 500-600$, I can´t afford a distressor!
Ahm, I record from Arch Enemy voice style, gutural, and melodic also.
So, which is your choice??
I'd either go with an 1176 or Distressor, but if both were unpractical then I'd probably hit it on the way down with the CLA1176 or Softube CL1B. CJ did the latter and seemed to lose a few loads over it. $500 will buy the whole CLA pack :)
Isn't it beyond his price range? I actually got one of my clients to purchase one recently, but I recall it costing more than $500-$600?

I've paid 500 I think (€ though), so it could be a bit above the 600....but I don't think it will be, probably less than 600 in the USA.

and it's also got a very good preamp in it
The Safe Sound unit is $699-$749 new here in the US, for the record.

Honestly that FMR compressor that monolith suggested looks like a killer unit.
The FMR looks great, I listened to some samples in a web and it does the job very well. I hope I could take one in ebay, and start rockin!!!
Safe Sound Audio P1 is also in the same line than FMR, but with more options and stuff....
Is there nothing interesting from DBX, Drawmer....¿?
Where can one hear clips of the FMR, and how is it generally voiced? Is it a good outboard comp to use for mixing, or not on par with the top tier units?

I've been meaning to get some 1176 clones done, but if this is a better option...