A good read


Sep 11, 2002
Seattle WA USA
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Just got finished with a good book titled "Sound Of The Beast" The Complete HeadBanging History Of Heavy Metal by (Ian Christe) it's a good read has some nice stuff written about are boys SAXON and some other bands that I have never heard of and some that my friends on this board might remember as well as the whole NWOBHM scene.

Sounds good, I'll have to track it down.

Talking of the beast! I have just finished reading Paul Di'anno's book, 'The Beast'. Anyone read it? I can't say I was impressed, it doesn't show him up in a good light at all, and he just comes across as a thug. There is a bit at the end of the book where friends etc write a few pages about Di'anno. The one thing that comes across in this section is that everyone says what a bullshitter Di'anno is, which makes you wonder just how much of the book is true! Apparently his real name is Paul Andrew, and he hasn't got any Italian ancestry, as he claims!
Sounds fuckin great macc.I also heard that mr d'anal was full of shit.As for great books for those of you like a bit of musso history I just An Elvis biog and Muddy Waters one and they were both great.
Sound of the Beast sounds good, too many articles / books about old heavy metal are either quite dismissive of Saxon or omit them altogether so this sounds refreshing!

Haven't read Di'Anno's book, but I do have his DVD The Beast in the East. There's an interview section on there where he claims that Saxon, Tygers etc had nothing to do with creating the NWOBHM ... the NWOBHM was Iron Maiden apparently, and the others were "just rock bands" that jumped on the bandwagon later(!).

He also says how he hates playing Maiden songs (but the DVD performance is full of just that!) and how he is really more into punk and hardcore than anything else (but then contributes 3 new tracks as DVD extras and they are soft melodic rock, Dokken-style).

I think Di'Anno just says the first thing to come into his head when he's being interviewed, in order to provoke a reaction and be controversial. You could certainly not accuse him of being boring, and there's nothing wrong with what he does so long as you take it all with a pinch of salt.

His performance on the DVD is less forgivable though. He shouts his way through far too many songs, making no attempt to sing in tune at all and spends more time trying to get the crowd to sing along than sing himself. It might have been okay actually on the night in a live setting but its not really what you want to watch at home on a DVD!
Judging by his book, Di'anno was probably off his head on coke and Jim Beam when recording his dvd!

Yeah I think you just have to take anything Di'anno says with a pinch of salt. You can't accuse him of being boring that's for sure. A twat yes, boring no!
RicknRoll said:
Your welcome Nillion and by the way how are you these days?
I'm fine thank you very much :)
The schoolyears over and I'm working at the moment. Need to get that money to buy all those cd's and concerttickets from somewhere ;)