A great American's weekly column part III (best one yet)

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
I was down in Ft. Hood this week visiting a bunch of soldiers that were being deployed. What a great group of people. No wonder we have the best military in the world.

I am amazed that our congress wants to spend our money on investigating steroids in baseball. I really believe that we elected these people to deal with matters a little more important than a game played by adults. But, it is politics, and certain politicians love grandstanding-which is exactly what they are doing. What a misuse of power.

Don't forget to download my radio show from the web page. And, if you are in an area that doesn't receive the show on radio, e-mail me and I will let you know who to e-mail to request it. I have tons of e-mails from last week, and I plan on getting to them this weekend.

My poll last week was about the space shuttle. Respondents were evenly split over the answer, as am I. I am not sure the best course for NASA. Whether to build a new fleet, or leave this one until the space station is built. I do believe we need some kind of presence in space. I don't think we should scrap the whole program.

I think it is ridiculous that the NCAA is banning Indian mascot nicknames. Why don’t we ban the name commander in chief? A complete waste of time. Surely there are more problems in the NCAA than mascot names. How about a playoff system for football? And what if I am offended by the name of the Dallas Cowboys? Or, what if John Glenn is offended by the name of the Houston Astros?

We are in a society of politically-correct tree-hugging babies. Grow up and quit whining.

With oil at $65 dollars a barrel, I think we finally should realize that we must find an alternative energy source, and get away from Middle Eastern oil. I hate that we have to go to the countries that have given the world these terrorists and ask them for help.

In fifty years these countries will be back to where they were a hundred years ago. The only thing that has brought them into the modern world is oil, and they have done nothing to create an economy based on anything else.