A great article....

Originally posted by jim
Hey EC,

Looks like nowRecording might be interviewing me for thier site. Free publicity for Exxplorer and the IMG! I'll keep you informed...

That's great Jim! :)

I spoke a bit with Henry over there, he seems like a good guy.

BTW-Is the Exxplorer CD available in the U.S. or online yet? I went looking for it the other day, but I couldn't tell on the website whether or not that version is the re-issued or not. If it is the re-issue, I can order it thru the website, if it's not I guess I'd need to wait?

How's everything going with you? The new job? The house remodeling? What's up! :cool:
You can order the new CD online. I few people I know ordered them through CDEurope.com

Make sure you select the Underground Symphony Label version of Symphonies of Steel, released in July 2002.

Everything over here is still very busy. I'm wrapping up finishing my 2nd floor... we've moved up there but I still have a lot of loose ends to tie up.

Work is busy,busy,busy...

Family, kids are great. I haven't had anytime to do much recording - though I had a few weeks not too long ago (and hinted at that here), but no one stepped up to finish any of the working tracks.. :(

I lurk here just about every day or so, so I can see what your all up too..!

Take care! Say hi to Holly for me.