A heavenly sign for Dan


Den Sista Ljusbäraren
Jul 20, 2004
well it's like this
there is something i can't explain(because I'm not a meteorologist) in the sky where i live.

it's completely white...and it's not a cloud
i took some photos with my phone...not the best quality but trust me the entire sky is white(and it's also blocking the sun).

I take it a sign for Dan to release White Darkness or Second Sky or rerelease Moontower (something's wrong with the sky tonight:headbang: )

so here are the pics taken from the kitchen and livingroom windows

ah ok is that odd ... I think its just part of dans elaborate marketing for the new album. ;)
Dan, in my state of mind at this moment, in the first picture, man you have a U.F.O. What is that thing? A plane? a lid, a saucer of some kind? My theory is the object is extra-terrestial, these freaks have heard about your awesome musical creations achieved on this planet and want to abduct you and the band, and take you to their world. I say fuck'em, Don't go man, please don't go!!!!!!!!!!
to your question the ufo is a brown pigeon with white wings

about the white sky...now that it got dark has a yellow color to it and it looked white because of the daylight.
a common yellow haze resulting from southern winds carrying sand from the nagev and sinai deserts... we get 2 or 3 days like this every year where the air is yellow all day long and not white like today and usually in september-october, not in april.
i checked the news...it wasn't just on my town...it was on the entire country apearently(which is roughly the size of slovenia)...the sands were from african deserts and therefore were brighter in color and gave the apearence of a white sky.
now that it's evening time and the sun has set it truly is white darkness

@Dan: Everything white (with exception of nazis) rules!
I see shit :( , is this like those 3d pictures that you only see when you stare at it?

no man it's just pics i took from the windows at home
the ufo is in the first pic between the second and the third bar
there's a ufo here too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liZNKpPpZzs

it's funny but i never noticed it was Anders Måreby on keys and vocs
it hought he kinda looked like a very young anders...but all you swedes look the same anyway...that is everyone looks like Agnetha Fältskog:lol:
Hey man, a brown pigeon with white wings is not "extra-terrestial." Haven't you ever seen those little fucktards? They got over-sized heads with huge black eyes. And fingers (6) that are a foot long. Their about 4' 10" and stink (smells like death and vomit) If you ever have the misfortune of being abducted, I will pray for you. For they will put those fingers in places you didn't know you had. You MUST believe!!!!!!