A HUGE Thank You to another new sponsor...Rachel S (ShadowLioness)


Soul Collector
Jun 26, 2001
Chicago, IL
CRJ Productions would also like to publicly thank Rachel Sosnowy (ShadowLioness) for being an official sponsor for both Saturnus & Novembers Doom.

Your generous contribution is very much appreciated! :kickass:

See you at the fest!!

Thanks again & take care,
Chris, Rob & John (CRJ Productions)
I'm gonna sound like a broken record by weekend's end, but I am absolutely thrilled that I was able to sponsor two of the bands. It's a chance for me to give back to the art that's both a passion for me as a musician and has gotten me through so many times in my life. I'm truly happy and thankful for the opportunity. See you all there!
Yeah I was never filled in on that whole bit either. Rachel didn't mention anything to me about it at the show. Well, we're more than happy to hook her up with stuff if she wants it. She knows how to reach me if need be :)
Thank you Rachel -- not only for contributing to the festival but for the awesome party Saturday night! You have good taste in beer!

And thanks for putting up with my drunken antics at your party! hahaha :kickass: I don't think the singer from Saturnus was amused at my little strip tease. I'm very glad Chris F5 pulled me out of there in time! hahaha.

See you around!
I'm still massively recovering here at home but I did want to make a quick post here.

I thought that the bands would be made aware, but apparently that wasn't the case! I should have taken the cue when I did mention it to Nunez Friday night and he didn't know... I suppose I didn't say anything to anyone else because I didn't want to come off as "tooting my horn" or something. Just consider me the "humble sponsor". :)

I don't need anything guys, thanks! Having the all access was more than enough of a "thank you". I didn't realise I'd even get that until after I initially contacted Rob about sponsoring. This entire weekend surpassed any expectation that I had. I had such a great time. This fest goes down in my book as the most legendary, and I lived to tell the tale! I took over 200 pictures of all of the bands combined. I've got a lot to go through obviously but will salvage the decent ones and get them posted as soon as humanly possible.

To the guys in ND, it was GREAT to hear those new songs live. Excellent set! Words can never describe the feeling I had finally seeing Saturnus live and hanging out with those guys. I was honored to sponsor such great musicians.

To Michael: No worries man. It didn't get too far and I'm glad you got to party in my room! If that's the worst thing that went on this weekend, then we did pretty well!

That's all that you guys are gettin' out of me at the moment. Back to sucking down water!
Thank you Rachel -- not only for contributing to the festival but for the awesome party Saturday night! You have good taste in beer!

And thanks for putting up with my drunken antics at your party! hahaha :kickass: I don't think the singer from Saturnus was amused at my little strip tease. I'm very glad Chris F5 pulled me out of there in time! hahaha.

See you around!

Haha... I just remember looking at Chris and saying, "This is going to end badly..." After we finished laughing at you we decided it was best to get you outta there before you caught a knee in the balls, or worse.

"Do you want to discover Greenland!?" :lol:
Rachel, I'm confused here. When you say sponsored bands, does that mean you paid extra for the tickets? How did this work, and what did you get it out of it? Rob, why didn't you tell us this? As far as I'm concerned, if you paid extra money to sponsor bands, then we owe you, and the LEAST we can do is hook you up with merch. Shit, we even had brand new shirts we made available that night. Email me, paul (AT) novembersdoom.com, and give me an address, and the size you want, and we'll get some shirts out to you right away. Don't even say it's not necessary, WE WANT TO DO THIS FOR YOU, and won't take no for an answer.
Rachel, I'm confused here. When you say sponsored bands, does that mean you paid extra for the tickets? How did this work, and what did you get it out of it? Rob, why didn't you tell us this? As far as I'm concerned, if you paid extra money to sponsor bands, then we owe you, and the LEAST we can do is hook you up with merch. Shit, we even had brand new shirts we made available that night. Email me, paul (AT) novembersdoom.com, and give me an address, and the size you want, and we'll get some shirts out to you right away. Don't even say it's not necessary, WE WANT TO DO THIS FOR YOU, and won't take no for an answer.

Sorry I didn't say anything to you....I only had about a billion things going through my mind this weekend & figured you probably saw this thread already. It was also a last minute thing for us with Rachel...she contacted us about it middle of last week. Basically, the sponsorship is a way of making a donation to help the fest by choosing to sponsor a specific band or bands. And in exchange, the sponsors get hooked up with special perks.

Another lesson learned from this year...make everyone more aware of sponsorship opportunity. ;)

And honestly...although the accounting isn't all in just yet, I think it's safe to say that without the sponsors this year, we would be in greater risk of losing money again this year. So huge THANKS again to all our sponsors for helping, & hopefully being the difference between retiring the fest & making sure there's another Powerfest in 2008!! :kickass: :worship: