A japanese band that actually sounds like WIN!

Very strange. Some of it cool. Some of it awful. Some it down right awesome. Lyrics made me lol on the first vid.

It's kinda attack attack (loosely used) done right.
The only japanese musician i truly, TRULYYYYY get into is Otomo Yoshihide

not everyones cup of tea im sure, but IMO that album is an underrated jazz gem.

edit: i also fucking despise visual kei with a fucking passion. fashion before music = big no no in my eyes.
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Why not instead try:

Akira Yamaoka (Silent Hill OST)
Kenji Kawai (Ghost In The Shell OST)
Yoshihisa Hirano (Death Note OST)
That is the first chinese metal band i have ever encountered. AND THEY ROCK. Yes finally i can say chinese rock.

Considering their political opinions, I very highly doubt they like being called Chinese...


Why not instead try:

Akira Yamaoka (Silent Hill OST)
Kenji Kawai (Ghost In The Shell OST)
Yoshihisa Hirano (Death Note OST)

These are very good stuff, but not very metal. Neither is this, but it fucking rules:

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ah i get it now. Im not surprised that they are banned. its extremely rare to find these sort of bands there. It is considered as a taboo. 'chinese' mindsets are very different compared to the west. Such a shame tho, theres so many talented underground asian metal band.