A little help for the actual "Board"

no problem. See the little icon near "edit" and "reply" that looks like a man firing arrows out of his mouth? if you like a post, feel it's been helpful or informative or just plain funny, click that to give the person rep. You can choose between good or bad rep, and giving rep will increase or decrease a person's rep count. This is displayed under their name as green dots, more being better. You start off with one and the current highest is 7, held by YaYo, Hearse and Nogie as far as I know.

Hope I helped

PS There are different titles too. Hover your mouse over my green dots for example and you'll see I'm a "jewel in the rough". There are different ones the more rep you get.

Have fun giving and collecting it!
Thx man... that was indeed an iformative post, so i think i'll know what to do now :D

Edit: In my User CP, it says i have 29 points in total? Does that mean that 29 peeps have thought i posted something good?

And how can you see who has the most rep?

And can i see more thatn 3 of the rep i got?

Thx for the info...
Episode 666 said:
Thx man... that was indeed an iformative post, so i think i'll know what to do now :D

Edit: In my User CP, it says i have 29 points in total? Does that mean that 29 peeps have thought i posted something good?

And how can you see who has the most rep?

And can i see more thatn 3 of the rep i got?

Thx for the info...

It doesn't mean 29 people, different people give different amounts. The more rep that you have, the more points that you give. So Nogie gives more than you or I would for example. I personally give 3 I think, you give one and nogie gives 12 o_O.

@deathbearer: thanks :)
OK one more question, until I can think of a new one. :D

Whe you go to the CP and you look at the reps and next to them are green dots, I understand these, but what about a white dot, is that a negative?

Thanks in advance for answering.
Weapon X said:
OK one more question, until I can think of a new one. :D

Whe you go to the CP and you look at the reps and next to them are green dots, I understand these, but what about a white dot, is that a negative?

Thanks in advance for answering.

A white dot is when the person giving the rep doesn't have enough posts/rep to make an impact on your repcount. It doesn't add or take from your rep.

Green is +, Red -.