A little jam in need of a little help


Apr 19, 2010
What's your thoughts/critique on these drums?

Also, i feel like the guitars are.... boring? I don't mind the tone, just something about them don't seem to have "it". Whatever "it" is. I hate to sound so naive, but a lack of professionality. I wish i could use a better term because I hate when people say "how can i make this more professional" Because its such a vague thing to ask. So forgive me for using that phrasing. I can just tell that SOMETHING seems to be missing from them.

(Not even touched mastering on this yet btw)


Anything will help. Thanks guys
A little jam ? You're being way too modest man, I wish I could play like that.

I like it very much - composition-wise - and the sound is fine, you've
done a great job.

If I had to comment on sth , it would be the snare which I think does not
fit the rest of the production or the genre. And I think , though I might be wrong, some parts sound a bit out of tune (parts with leads).

All in all , I like what I hear very very much.
Well here is a new mix. A lot less muddy and bassy. Added a hipass to the guitars. Changed the Snare, Changed the kick. Added and changed all EQ on everything. Much happier with this mix. Thoughts? Rip it apart if you have to. Trying to get ready for a client.

^the crackle at the end of the song is bc i was running out of RAM, waiting for my extra 8G to come in the mail ;)

(also, anyone know how to bring out that China without effecting the other cymbals in the OH in S20, not necessarily the volume, but the attack of it, seems washy)
not gonna lie, im not best person at feedback but youve got everything to gel well, but i hate to say that it sounds sorta small.
Snare needs bit more verb. guitars need more mids, at least high mids. the tone is good but you're right about the "it" thing. what you running them through?
the kick could do with some more body but thats bout it. the lead sounds as though it's sort of sitting underneath everything. eq adjustments should fix that.

this is obviously just my opinion so if anyone disagrees, feel free to correct haha.
small... that is probably the best word you could have used. Don't hate to say it, because that is what I'm really trying to figure out. I'm more happy with this mix than I have been with any other, and now that's my big dilemma. It sounding small. Mids, Hi Mids, etc. What would you conside the range for mid, hi mid, etc? I actually have my guitars cut at about 140, then up to about 3db from 100-400, then leveling out at around 600+. When i actually spell it out like that, I'm starting to realize what a small range i boosted was.

Im running through PodFarm, and a Mesa Impulse. Using Waves LinEQ. (I'm using it last on my chain, should i be placing it somewhere else?)

The kick had WAY too much body before, so i'll bring some of it back. Didn't realize i took so much away.

And i agree about the snare. Ill repost soon with a different mix