A Matrix theory that will blow your mind


I probably hate you
Nov 12, 2001
OK. Here's the story.

There's this guy that posts at a board called Emuforums, who spent a rather large amount of time to come up with and write an original, detailed explanation to what's really going on in the Matrix universe.
This will likely change the way you look at many things from the movies and animations. Not only is it well written, thought-out and interesting, it also makes a lot of sense. He bases most of his claims on many inconsistencies, "coincidences" and hints throughout the movies.

Here's the link to the thread where this person posted his theory: "Galvatron Solves the Matrix".

Obviously this is full of spoilers, so don't go there unless you've seen both Matrix movies.
Also, having seen the movies (and preferrably the Animatrix DVD as well) is pretty much required in order to understand what this Galvatron fellow is saying.

You'll have to highlight his text to read it, by the way.

P.S. despite my relatively old registration date, I'm rather new here, so don't become worried that you might be getting senile if you don't know who I am.
I read almost all of that, and it was pretty interesting, though I think that guy is probably reading too much into things. If the story actually ends up being something that complicated, I'd be pretty damn impressed, and would hold more respect for the Wachowskis (even if their story is just an amalgamation of a few philosophers' ideas).
TrevJ said:
I read almost all of that, and it was pretty interesting, though I think that guy is probably reading too much into things. If the story actually ends up being something that complicated, I'd be pretty damn impressed, and would hold more respect for the Wachowskis (even if their story is just an amalgamation of a few philosophers' ideas).
Ah, finally a post that is on-topic. :)

You pretty much summed up what I think of it. While it does make a lot of sense, it's not very likely that the Wachowskis lied to the viewers so well until now and are planning a huge twist near the end. He probably read too much into little details, but it'd be insanely cool if he's right.
Pancakes, you moron, you haven't even read what he was talking about! I haven't read it because I haven't seen Reloaded or Animatrix yet. I will when I can... but until then I don't want anymore spoilers.
hahaha, what a fucking loser. Seriously who would waste so much time as to write all that? I can't believe I even read most of it.

Anyway, this is the actual plot revealed:

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica,sans-serif]Ok Try this one on!!!

Ok The Matrix was created by Man,, And Neo is an AI Program, all the other programs don't know this. Except for the architect. He knows This because HE altered Neo to destroy the matrix...Why???Because the architect is real and he isn't human!The agents and rebels make sure that the real humans in the matrix don't die. both in their own programmed ways try to "save" humanity, different reasons of course.
What I'm crazy?? no! See Humans were in a war with an alien species who destroyed the earth by inserting a blackhole into our sun.. The Humans created a transport ship that would take a large portion of us to a new galaxy with a compatible homeworld..ON the journey we live in the matrix and all of the programs agents rebels oracles,,all watch over us and make sure that we are safe on our travel.(can get into how later). But the same aliens that destroyed our galaxy have interfaced with our transport (they can't physically reach us because we are traveling at 99% of the speed of light)..and have created neo to destroy the matrix!! Thus killing all remaining humans in the cosmos. The architect was human, programed an ai to maintain order but now the aliens are in control of him. and he has programed the new ai neo to destroy the matrix instead of updating it as has happened 6times before. I predict in the end, the trinity ai will relize that neo is going to end the matrix not update it and kill him and the alien(architect) will be detected as a virus and deleted and the humans will live in the matrix till they arrive at their new homeworld and are awakened...
fucking retards

<See Chris' name> says:
<See Chris' name> says:
Alternative 4 (L)(L)(L)(L)(L)(L)
<See Chris' name> says:
(the song)
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
... yes what bout it... yes it pwn(l) but y the sudden fetish
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
Consigned to perdition,
Unaffected by your lies,
Narthardic by design,
Tainted by desire,
Seperated from oblivioun. *
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
... like?
<See Chris' name> says:
'cause I'm listening to it
<See Chris' name> says:
<See Chris' name> says:
and yes
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
oh ok... did u see the underlying mesage
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
<See Chris' name> says:
of course not, it's not even 11 yet
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
<See Chris' name> says:
highlight the text
<See Chris' name> says:
to read it
<See Chris' name> says:
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
... ok
<See Chris' name> says:
<See Chris' name> says:
matrix theories that you can argue with
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
no... just know... i cant be arsed with that shit anyomre... and no one cares but my opioun
<See Chris' name> says:
<See Chris' name> says:
It's still interesting though
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
no wrong fag
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
the concept of the vr world is the power works of their brain signals... ergo the brains have to be stimulated by some form of entertainment
<See Chris' name> says:
uh huh.
<See Chris' name> says:
I don't care, I didn't even click the link (H)
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
who gave it u
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
that guy is just wrong
<See Chris' name> says:
UM link
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
hes not thought bout it... or rather thought bout it too much
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
the matrix within a matrix theory does open up an infinate possability but tahts already been explaned
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
it goes on 6 times... nothing more... thats it... no hidden plots the W brothers are retarded fags... they have started the worlds best story ever... and then compleatly fucked the end
<See Chris' name> says:
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
<See Chris' name> says:
<See Chris' name> says:
calm down *pats your head*
Uninvited phantasms of Gehenna violate the heretofore tainted struggle to Elysium says:
kicks w Brothers ass

that guy on the other forum is wrong... someone show him this so his little fantasy gets poped... i cant sign in there... and i cant be arsed to register