A Message Of Thanks...

We're talking about the 1.75 litre bottle now...

Done a third of a two litre in fifteen minutes before, never had any problems, guess it depends if you're doing it as bombs or not, the energy drink tends to keep you going all night long. :goggly:
everyone seems to get totally owned by jager, i never saw the big deal, but theres other shit people i know can chug in masses that i cant handle for shit

and totlaly harry <3
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You stay the fuck away from my scotch, obnoxious 4chan meme that needs to die...



this forum is incredible ive been on it for a few months and still have only sifted through like a quarter of the information around here...aside of those with names of which we shall not speak chiming in with pointless posts,bumping old threads, and randomly reporting people this is the best forum ive been to

i love how people are brutally honest imo it helps get your point across better sometimes. ive learned so much more and got so much useful information and stuff just off of recommendations from here...hopefully one day i can give back some samples or some good ideas in return

until then...i agree with greg and thank everyone too

(end sob story moment)