a message to Paul

Mar 15, 2006
Ohio (USA)
after listening to the knowing again (this time: with the help of the book you wrote)

i would like to say that first off: the book is great. it's a great compliment to the albums. but i also read in there you were considering writing the story for the knowing in book form, and i just wanted to let you know that if you wrote one based on that: i'd buy it. i don't like reading books to be honest, but i'd deffinitly read one you wrote especially about the whole story the knowing album is based on.

just thought i'd share. and i'd like to say i think you're a great song writer. and writer in general (from what i've seen in the wayfaring chronicles and such in it)

the band also kicks ass. i didn't wanna leave that out, either, lol.

hopefully there will be more stuff like the Wayfaring Chronicles book for the upcomming album and the ones to follow it. (i love knowing the meaning of songs, even if i already enjoy a song; knowing the meaning will more-than-likely make me enjoy it even more)

can't wait for my copy of the new album, i've got it on preorder... sucks that the release date is so far away, though. :(

and even more so: i can't wait to listen to the rest of the full lengths i have (about all of 'em) and read about te album, and the meanings of the songs.

in closing: i'd just like to say thank you to you and the rest of the band and for all of you to keep up the good work. it is much appreciated & enjoyed.
Thanks for all your kind words.

I tossed the idea around years ago about actually writing the book for The Knowing, but I suppose you could just go see the movie that recently came out called "KNOWING" and see how I was ripped off. hahaha

If I do another chapter for the book, I will most likely make it available in PDF form online. It certainly wouldn't be cost efficient to reprint the book every time we release a new CD, so I MAY make it available to those who care eventually.
first; i want to apologize for the extreme length of this message; it started out short in my head when i clicked the "quote" button to reply, and ended up like it is. maybe i should higher an editor? lol

also please don't feel like you have to reply to the whole message all at once (or that i want you to do so) i understand you're busy, either touring, writing songs, doing other band stuff or with your personal life. i must be taxing. and i don't want to intentionally contribute to the frustration. so if you can get to each section (or whatever you'd call them?) bit-by-bit over a course of time, or something. i don't mind. i know that while i usually have a lot of time to kill, others may not. so just let me know what's up, so my mind doens't go through all the possable scenarios.

Thanks for all your kind words.

hey, no problem man, i have no problem complimenting great work. although after re-reading my initial post just before reading your's... i feel like doing 1 of things: 1)crawling into the darkest corner of the most isolated cave in existance or 2) shooting myself

it's nothing against anyone but myself: as after later reading what i wrote: i sound like some completly obsesssed fan or something... i feel like a metallica fan-boy who drops to their knees with their mouths open (and not in a "prayer" way: if you catch my meaning) every time metallica is mentioned in any way, shape or form.... and i HATE those people. so, me seeing what i, myself wrote sounding anything at all like that (no matter who or what it is) is not good to me... to put it lightly: i feel totally rediculas. i assure everyone: that was not my intent.... i just say & type/write things as they come to me...

yet another example of hindsight being torture.

I tossed the idea around years ago about actually writing the book for The Knowing, but I suppose you could just go see the movie that recently came out called "KNOWING" and see how I was ripped off. hahaha

i haven't seen "knowing" yet. i want to. from wht i can see of the plot for it and your story it's different. in the cage movie he finds a page of coded profecies. so, that is limited to what one can decifer of it. and even if all of it could be decifered: it's still limited to what was written on the page.

where as you're story seems to be way more indepth: someone waking up and knowing everything (if i understand everything right) and about the effects of that knowledge on an individal: especially one who the knowledge didn't gradually come to-especially through hard work (as i believe the erson who created something or thought the concept/theory up, etc. understands it better than anyone else. really ever could) and believe it or not; i have often wondered about this for a long time. the potential effects of allthis knowledge (or even some of it) on not only the body, but the mind and spirit. and also: the ego-and how all of that would effect the rest of soicity (from strangers to loved ones to ememies alike-along with other sentient beings as well) and if i am reading things right, you and i have thought about a lot of the same things on the subject (and it would seem on similar subjcts aswell)

and it seems we reached remarkably similar conclusions (imo) then again it could just be somewhat related to my thoughts on something and my mind filled in the rest, i'm not 100% on either (too many thoughts rolling around in there to tell) i would immagine being the only one with a great gift or ability would be so stressfull, frustrating and depressing. especially if you're like me and want to help not only one's self/loved ones, but as many people (and animals) possible. the stress of who to help and how would be exausting and depressing as the thought of "ya can't save 'em all" becomes more-and-more clear with each passing day.

and about the god complex thing the main character eventually gets: unfortunitly i believe that would happen with many people, reguardless of what religion they believe in (athiests inluded. you don't have to believe in a god before you can consider yourself one, you just have to believe you meet the criteria) man has seemed to have never worshipped anything other than himself and money (or technically the things you can get with money: possesions, "respect", "love", sex, "friendship", admiration, power, virtually any desire fufilled, etc.)

you mentioning you considered writing a book based on the stoy of the knowing is one of the things that made me want to make this topic: to tell you i'd like to read if if you ever did write and publish it (that and to tell you i really enjoy the book) i love it when the person who wrote the lyrics explains the meaning behind the songs and the album as a whole. like i said: i enjoy an album and song a lot more if i know it's meaning (reguardless of how much i liked it before)

even though my wishful thinking made me want the book to explain the songs' lyrics line-by-line (what each sentince, word or whatever is a metaphore for, etc.) but i knew that would more than likely be a hell of a lot of work and likely a big book. so, i don't blame ya for not dong that; i don't tink i would have, either. lol.

never-the-less what i've read so far is not disapointing at all. since i am listenig to every album in order (first reading the intro for the album, then the explination of the 1st song on the particular album: then after reading the individual song's explination i listen to the song. then rinse and repeat. since i couldn't find the first album when i ordered the rest of the full-length CDs a while ago, i skipped it: 'till i can get it... when i start again; i'll be on "to welcome the fade"

If I do another chapter for the book, I will most likely make it available in PDF form online. It certainly wouldn't be cost efficient to reprint the book every time we release a new CD, so I MAY make it available to those who care eventually.

oh, don't take it the wrong way, i wans't saying print up another book for every album. but releasing something like the book online, or in the booklet of the particular CD or something is what i meant. really any format that is not costly & is easy to read (like the book is: with the intro for the album, the lyrics and explination for each song on the same page). so, on the cost note: the best way is probably to put it online somehow (either in PDF, microsoft word or whatever) like you mentioned. that would be fine with me. as long as i can read it; it's all good. maybe even make it downloadable-so aslong as it's on one's comp. they'll always have it.
Don't beat yourself up for coming off like a "fanboy" or whatever. No worries. Frankly I think most people try too hard to be the exact opposite....everyone wants to be uber-cool where 98% of the time they just criticize and complain about shit! I didn't read your post and think it was overblown or anything. We need that kind of feedback so we know what people want and are interested in.

With the possibility of a future re-release of "The Knowing", you never know what kind of bonuses might be in store...
Having a short story about each song in the booklet would be awesome! Nightingale sort of did it with White Darkness, but they were really short. Nice read though :)
as for the book having more chapters and such... how about just wait until you guys release a few more CDs, then do a Part 2?

i wasn't meaning "release another book with each CD" i meant: i'd like it if they'd make something like the book for each album and put it online somewhere for download (the website for example)

but wait for around 3 albums to be released?

i'm too impatient to wait for that! you trying to kill me?! (j/k, but i am impatient, lol) and sometimes there's a decent gap between full legth CD releases (especially with metal bands) and if you look at ND's album releases they have 3 albums that are released within 2 years of the previous one (1 within a year of the previous one) their second album was 4 years after the first.

a few albums could take a while to release, is what i mean (no critisism, i know it takes time to write lyrics & music then to get studio time, etc.) not only that be who knows if any of us will be around by then. both idividually & as a species... we're talking about an average of about 6 years (possably more) for 3 CDs.

we don't even know if they'll decide to stay in the buisness that long, or how many albums they're signed to do, etc.

6 yeas is a long time in the span of individual & group lives. but world events especially. anything can happen within that length of time. from something as small as the industry changing and ND deciding to retire (god forbid) all the way up to catastrophic things like:

we all could have been blown to bits by then or at least (most of us) and the rest forced to survive underground, who knows? i don't have a good or even favorable out look on the species' future. especially if the species keeps going like it is now. or if North Korea gets nukes.... i just have no clue when it'll all come down. but i know eventually it'll happen and humans will be responcible for it. nt a god, or specific group persay, but the entire species will have a hand in it (even to an extremely small degree)

basically, i'm saying; don't count on things being able to work out in the future. let-a-lone there being a decent futue for the species (or even a future at all) if something's a good idea at the moment, don't wait till sometime in the future for a better opporunity, as you may not get it or it'll be too late. yes, i know: i'm a cynic, but you'd be pretty diluded or pretty stupid not to be able to see that when it comes to soicity & the species as a whole. (imo, anyway)soicity as it is now can't survive forever, and neither can the species. eventually 1 will crumble and die. when, how or which one is not certian. but unfortunitly it'll happen. i just hope i'm already in the incierator (at least) when it does.
Man, you really are impatient, lol.

I can't really speak for Paul but I suspect that if he does another book, chances are it won't be another lyrical explanation book like The Wayfaring Chronicles. Any further writings explaining the lyrics will most likely be either something online as Paul mentioned or perhaps in some sort of special package of a future cd or something.
Man, you really are impatient, lol.

I can't really speak for Paul but I suspect that if he does another book, chances are it won't be another lyrical explanation book like The Wayfaring Chronicles. Any further writings explaining the lyrics will most likely be either something online as Paul mentioned or perhaps in some sort of special package of a future cd or something.

either of those would be just fine with me :)
i wasn't meaning "release another book with each CD" i meant: i'd like it if they'd make something like the book for each album and put it online somewhere for download (the website for example)

but wait for around 3 albums to be released?

i'm too impatient to wait for that! you trying to kill me?! (j/k, but i am impatient, lol) and sometimes there's a decent gap between full legth CD releases (especially with metal bands) and if you look at ND's album releases they have 3 albums that are released within 2 years of the previous one (1 within a year of the previous one) their second album was 4 years after the first.

a few albums could take a while to release, is what i mean (no critisism, i know it takes time to write lyrics & music then to get studio time, etc.) not only that be who knows if any of us will be around by then. both idividually & as a species... we're talking about an average of about 6 years (possably more) for 3 CDs.

we don't even know if they'll decide to stay in the buisness that long, or how many albums they're signed to do, etc.

6 yeas is a long time in the span of individual & group lives. but world events especially. anything can happen within that length of time. from something as small as the industry changing and ND deciding to retire (god forbid) all the way up to catastrophic things like:

we all could have been blown to bits by then or at least (most of us) and the rest forced to survive underground, who knows? i don't have a good or even favorable out look on the species' future. especially if the species keeps going like it is now. or if North Korea gets nukes.... i just have no clue when it'll all come down. but i know eventually it'll happen and humans will be responcible for it. nt a god, or specific group persay, but the entire species will have a hand in it (even to an extremely small degree)

basically, i'm saying; don't count on things being able to work out in the future. let-a-lone there being a decent futue for the species (or even a future at all) if something's a good idea at the moment, don't wait till sometime in the future for a better opporunity, as you may not get it or it'll be too late. yes, i know: i'm a cynic, but you'd be pretty diluded or pretty stupid not to be able to see that when it comes to soicity & the species as a whole. (imo, anyway)soicity as it is now can't survive forever, and neither can the species. eventually 1 will crumble and die. when, how or which one is not certian. but unfortunitly it'll happen. i just hope i'm already in the incierator (at least) when it does.

Holy shit negative vibes XD. Less end of the world rants imo. I want to see my son grow up.:goggly:
Holy shit negative vibes XD. Less end of the world rants imo. I want to see my son grow up.:goggly:

i don't think of it as "negative" or "pessimistic" more of a realist, thing, imo. to think we're all gonna (or do) live in a world full of nothing but happyness & peace, etc. is unrealistic & a delusion. it takes work for that to happen.

don't get all depressed like it's a deffinit thing, man. who knows when we'll go, ya know? we don't evn know where ya go when you're gone, yet. (for certian) so i'm pretty sure profecy & divination are beyond us as a species at the moment (educated guesses aren't though) you may get to see your son grow up, get married, maybe even see your grandkinds. (if that option will be on the table for him when he grows up-i mean him wanting kids or not-don't go all morbid thinking on me-that's my job) it's a high possability you'll get to se all of that, but none of us know for a fact. there are only possabilities, really.

i just get sick of the 2 completely opposite side of the spectrum most people seem to be on. some are on the "we can do what ever we want & the species will be here forever" side & all the way over on the opposite side the "we're doomed, nothing we can do will change anything" etc. people sit. if majority of people on this planet are on either side then the possability of us not being here (as a species) becomes a likely-hood & not a possability. because the first group will do what they want without thinking of consequences & the other side thinks it' all over, so why bother?.

but where we're heading doesn't look pretty to me.(at the moment) not only the problems that have been here for a while: crime, pollution/global warming, wars, poor educational system, poor health care/lack of it.(but the more money ya have the better your care is-imo medicine shouldn't be about making a crap load of money) then we have the more recent ones: jobs being lost, massive debts for not only the citizens but the country as well. i wish people would wake up & see if we stay the course we will windup back in a 3rd world or something.

the fact is; the people who think we can do whatever we want on/to this planet & the species will still be around are fools. they're gonna make the doomsayers turn out to be right. and the doom sayers are not gonna be able to stop anything if they're already defeated in their minds. there has to be a happy medium between both of those mentalities. to where we can see a problem & instead of ignoring it or saying "nothing we can do" we can try to figure out what to do. nothing is really completly lost as long as people are thinking of solutions & able to get them heard. it's only lost once the situation happens.

until then, it isn't. and please don't say i'm being negative when it's more realistic than anything. just because it's not what people want to hear, doesn't mean it's negative. negative is ALWAYS jumping to the worst case scenairo lke it's gonna happen. and i believe i just said something bad COULD happen for all we know or even the industry could change somehow. the possability is there. i didn't say it's going to, did i? after all i'm not Nostradamus or Enoch here. not my fault if the way things look now don't have a favorable outlook look for the future.
i don't think of it as "negative" or "pessimistic" more of a realist, thing, imo. to think we're all gonna (or do) live in a world full of nothing but happyness & peace, etc. is unrealistic & a delusion. it takes work for that to happen.

don't get all depressed like it's a deffinit thing, man. who knows when we'll go, ya know? we don't evn know where ya go when you're gone, yet. (for certian) so i'm pretty sure profecy & divination are beyond us as a species at the moment (educated guesses aren't though) you may get to see your son grow up, get married, maybe even see your grandkinds. (if that option will be on the table for him when he grows up-i mean him wanting kids or not-don't go all morbid thinking on me-that's my job) it's a high possability you'll get to se all of that, but none of us know for a fact. there are only possabilities, really.

i just get sick of the 2 completely opposite side of the spectrum most people seem to be on. some are on the "we can do what ever we want & the species will be here forever" side & all the way over on the opposite side the "we're doomed, nothing we can do will change anything" etc. people sit. if majority of people on this planet are on either side then the possability of us not being here (as a species) becomes a likely-hood & not a possability. because the first group will do what they want without thinking of consequences & the other side thinks it' all over, so why bother?.

but where we're heading doesn't look pretty to me.(at the moment) not only the problems that have been here for a while: crime, pollution/global warming, wars, poor educational system, poor health care/lack of it.(but the more money ya have the better your care is-imo medicine shouldn't be about making a crap load of money) then we have the more recent ones: jobs being lost, massive debts for not only the citizens but the country as well. i wish people would wake up & see if we stay the course we will windup back in a 3rd world or something.

the fact is; the people who think we can do whatever we want on/to this planet & the species will still be around are fools. they're gonna make the doomsayers turn out to be right. and the doom sayers are not gonna be able to stop anything if they're already defeated in their minds. there has to be a happy medium between both of those mentalities. to where we can see a problem & instead of ignoring it or saying "nothing we can do" we can try to figure out what to do. nothing is really completly lost as long as people are thinking of solutions & able to get them heard. it's only lost once the situation happens.

until then, it isn't. and please don't say i'm being negative when it's more realistic than anything. just because it's not what people want to hear, doesn't mean it's negative. negative is ALWAYS jumping to the worst case scenairo lke it's gonna happen. and i believe i just said something bad COULD happen for all we know or even the industry could change somehow. the possability is there. i didn't say it's going to, did i? after all i'm not Nostradamus or Enoch here. not my fault if the way things look now don't have a favorable outlook look for the future.

I realize in many senses its realistic, though unless something catastrophic happens in the next few years it is safe to say our species will still be intact, weather or not the world is complete mayhem is another story.

All I was trying to convey was it feels rather negative for one to start spouting off about the end of the world in response to a recommendation of doing something down the road.

Any who, I agree it would be nice to have some more writing from Paul, but weather or not he does this, or when he would do this is all in his terms and personally I will just leave it as a pleasant surprise if it does come to fruition.
I realize in many senses its realistic, though unless something catastrophic happens in the next few years it is safe to say our species will still be intact, weather or not the world is complete mayhem is another story.

All I was trying to convey was it feels rather negative for one to start spouting off about the end of the world in response to a recommendation of doing something down the road.

Any who, I agree it would be nice to have some more writing from Paul, but weather or not he does this, or when he would do this is all in his terms and personally I will just leave it as a pleasant surprise if it does come to fruition.

maybe negative, but dosn't mean it can't happen. (hopefully it doesn't) but with North Korea trying to be able to make nukes & the taliban possibly being able to take control of iran (which we know has nukes) last i heard: they have control of the whole swat valley territory-which is 60 miles from the capital of iran, yet iran's more worried about india invading (or some stupid crap like that) to do something about the taliban.

you can't have much hope for the future if psychos get their hands on something THAT destructive. i know i don't. (why those damn things were even built is beyond me) what i meant in that first reply is that we can't always count on the future to be here, let-a-lone things being the way they are now. i hope i'm wrong. the last thing i want to see is more suffering in this world (of any kind-be it human or animal) but we can't wall ourselves up behind a wall of faith or hope & think anything will get better-change not only takes time, but action.