A Metalcore Band I Recorded - Pointers?

A Midnight Requiem

You can call me Adam.
Oct 16, 2008
Hey everyone, I'm just looking for some constructive criticism on my latest mix of a local band. Any opinions on what I could improve or work on next time is greatly appreciated.

Link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/622959/IWT FINAL.wav

If anyone is curious about any of the recording methods or equipment used feel free to ask. Thanks! :kickass:

In my opinion you should make the vocals the focal point of the song, now they just get pretty much buried in the mix. If you have option to retrack some of the vocals, I would do it as there are some subpar and claritywise cluttered performances there, mostly on the cookiemonster stuff and especially the clean vocal saying "the night takes me away"(?). If it's not an option, try to do something to them. Otherwise it sounds pretty usable to me.

edit: and a good quality mp3 would've been pretty much sufficient, no need for wavs
Thanks for the reply! I'll be recording a couple more songs for this band here in the next couple of weeks, so I'll definitely try to be more strict with vocal performances. The good thing about recording a band a second time is you already know what to expect.

I guess I was also more or less looking for opinions on drum/guitar sounds, frequency balances, etc. What aspects of recording should I work on using this as a reference of my best work so far?