Metalcore mix (AxeFx/SD2.0)


Jan 25, 2010
Montreal, Canada
Here's a mix I've been working on today, its a local band from Ottawa. Pretty generic metalcore. My ears are worn out for the day though, so I'm looking for some input on the mix please! :grin:

AxeFX was used for both guitar and bass. The guitars are quad tracked, using the 5150 model and MarkIV model (5150 panned 100% L/R, MarkIV panned 80% L/R).

Drums are all SD2.0, Avatar kit.

Vocals were tracked with an SM57. Fall - Boarding a Sinking Ship_3.mp3

Any input/criticism/improvements would be greatly appreciated! :grin:


UPDATED MIX: Fall - Boarding a Sinking Ship_4.mp3
Bring down the snare velocities a little bit on those fills. Guitars sound good. I hate the vocals, but you did a pretty good job recording them.
Bring down the snare velocities a little bit on those fills. Guitars sound good. I hate the vocals, but you did a pretty good job recording them.

Thanks! I'll adjust that.

Sounds very washy and not well definded overall imo

Ahh yeah, after listening to it after taking a a break, I was looking for a word to describe it, and washy is the perfect description. I'll have to work on getting each instrument to sit in its own space in the frequency spectrum.

Hab grad gesehn du bist aus oesterreich! Ich bin halb oestereicher hehe, bin auch grad heut hier hinueber geflogen familie zu besuchen. Hab mir grad deine band angehoert, klingt sau geil! Ich werd warscheinlich in den naechsten paar tagen nach Wien fahren, also falls ihr eine show in den naechsten 2 wochen habts bin ich sicher dort!
Been lurkin' round the forum for a while and its really taught me a lot! This is the first time I actually mixed a full band, previously its only been my own riffs and song ideas, but only guitars, drums and vocals occasionally. This band was just some buddies of mine who wanted a demo for a song of theirs, the music is really not my type, but it was a great learning experience for me, and it works out great for both sides, they get a song demo for nothing, and I get some practice!

Anyways,thanks for the input! I fiddled with the mix a bit and I think it sounds better now, I tried to clear it up a bit, give it a bit more definition. However, I was mixing on headphones as I'm on vacation, so I'll have to re-check it on proper monitors when I get back home.

updated mix: Fall - Boarding a Sinking Ship_4.mp3

I lowered the guitars a bunch, and high-passed them a little bit higher. Gotta stop thinking like a guitarist and turning the guitars up so much haha!

I also added a slight wide chorus on the bass, after reading a thread about bass mixing here. Its definitely made the bass bigger, but I'm not sure if its too present now or if I should turn it down a bit.