A musical passage I want you guys to hear--tell me what you think

I'm sorry but I'll have to agree with the above posts. You need lessons.
Id work on the flow a little bit. You've got a good concept but it needs more to it, and it needs to be a lot less choppy. And i know you said that but its not just the looping.
my advice, instead of having the distorted guitar playing things underneath... toss it and put a harmony over the clean melody. that'll help it alot
hey thanks metalLeviathan, i'll spent more time on the flow. thanks viewer from nihil, i'll try that and we'll see how much it'll help :p. i'll do it later though, when i figure out how to use guitarpro so i can make a midi & use some horns instead of the distorted guitar.
The first one was irritating and unpleasant. The second one was slightly less irritating, but more boring because it was longer. Also, it switched randomly between different boring passages. This doesn't seem to go anywhere.
I don't say lessons. I say just practice more and experiment more. It's not really about lessons cause i never took one fuckin lesson in my life but i learned to find the player in myself and it's all about being you. Maybe the shit is all out of wack and out of time. Just keep given er. Find something that makes you move. And i am sure it will make someone else break shit..
I don't say lessons. I say just practice more and experiment more. It's not really about lessons cause i never took one fuckin lesson in my life but i learned to find the player in myself and it's all about being you. Maybe the shit is all out of wack and out of time. Just keep given er. Find something that makes you move. And i am sure it will make someone else break shit..

i took lessons for a year and a half to get set in the right path but it was a blues teacher, which resulted in my own unique style by mixing his influence with my tastes. lesson's are fine, but don't get brain washed
Lessons can be useful but are unnecessary. Online tutorials can fill you in on any theory you need, but in the end it's all about what sounds good.
ok, cheers guys
I don't say lessons. I say just practice more and experiment more. It's not really about lessons cause i never took one fuckin lesson in my life but i learned to find the player in myself and it's all about being you. Maybe the shit is all out of wack and out of time. Just keep given er. Find something that makes you move. And i am sure it will make someone else break shit..

i'm actually a drummer, and i took lessons with 2 different teachers. taking lessons was quite a bad experience. how is music going to advance if everyone is being tought to be the same? i think it's about experimentation, but obviously getting the basics is good--but again, that's all over the net, you don't need a teacher to slow you down. i think taking advanced lessons once you've been self teaching for a while could be beneficial though.
ok, cheers guys

i'm actually a drummer, and i took lessons with 2 different teachers. taking lessons was quite a bad experience. how is music going to advance if everyone is being tought to be the same? i think it's about experimentation, but obviously getting the basics is good--but again, that's all over the net, you don't need a teacher to slow you down. i think taking advanced lessons once you've been self teaching for a while could be beneficial though.

You need to take some lessons. Seriously.
I think even just some practice would be a big help.
Musical intuition (i dunno/forget what to call it, it's when you know when shit sounds good...i guess you could say taste but that's not quite is) is the most important thing, and I don't really think it can be taught.
I think even just some practice would be a big help.
Musical intuition (i dunno/forget what to call it, it's when you know when shit sounds good...i guess you could say taste but that's not quite is) is the most important thing, and I don't really think it can be taught.

true that, some people have it and some don't. however some have it but don't naturally know how use it. that's where lessons come in. not all teacher's try to make clones and if you're not a mindless pod, you wont become a clone. besides, online tutorials suck
I took lessons for a year and a half or so. My teacher taught me fundamental finger positions, exercised my ear and fingers, etc. Then we started integrating my own musical influences. I stopped for stupid reasons. I'm thinking of taking lessons again soon.