A negar whose neck beckons a noose.

A few years from now, I guess there will be an appeal stating he did not understand his miranda rights, because he barked instead of saying "yes"; a new trial will follow
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I didn't really understand what was even happening. The police wandering around in the street at the end? What the heck? It was like a wierd Grand Theft Auto scene.
I made out with a black chick last night. Then I told her I had a gf and went to take a massive shit.
That fine ebony female definitely found herself some aryan tallywacker at the club last night.... believe me.
We need to turn their transportation system on them and hang them from the outstretched barkways that give them inlet in to civilized society. Fucking Lemurs!

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I had sex with a black girl in London. Was great sex. I told my cousin about it, and he said, "DUDE! I hope you wrapped that shit up!"