A new Blind Guardian release

Oh? That caught my attention. That's my favorite BG album, and one of the only I will still spin from time to time. I've largely drifted from my once-potent love of power metal, but the hugeness of that album still holds my attention. Also Hansi, what a beast.

Then this is the BG disc for you brother. Chock full of muti-layered vocal harmony goodness. HUGE tip-o-the-hat to Queen here.
On the other hand, if you were hoping for a return to their early heavier power metal sound, then steer well clear. This disc is definitely NOT for you.

Do power metal fans that pine for old BG want a return of Nightfall/Imaginations era, or are the taking about Follow the Blind era stuff? I think every thing from Imaginations forward has been varying degrees of great. I think BG is like Dream Theater, they get a lot of hate from genre fans for being the top dog.
Do power metal fans that pine for old BG want a return of Nightfall/Imaginations era, or are the taking about Follow the Blind era stuff?

I think they are talking about the pre-Tokyo Tales stuff. At least from the various online comments I have read. I just wonder...why? We have a million other power/speed metal bands out there. More than enough to scratch that itch. BG has clearly moved on from that sound. Let it go.
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On my third listen now. I was primed to hate it, having seen how a number of my friends reacted to it. But I must say, it isn't really bad at all. If you liked the direction they took with 'A Night At The Opera', then I can say pretty confidently that you will dig this. It's like 'A Night At The Opera' on epic symphonic steroids.

On the other hand, if you were hoping for a return to their early heavier power metal sound, then steer well clear. This disc is definitely NOT for you.

I love ANATO too, but I'm not warming up to this one as much as I thought I would. It feels over-wrought, the complex arrangements and orchestral parts make it difficult to get a rhythm for any of the songs. Some of these songs are so complex I can barely tell if there's a chorus. Maybe a few more days with it will change my mind, but it's more exhausting to listen to than fun.
It feels over-wrought, the complex arrangements and orchestral parts make it difficult to get a rhythm for any of the songs. Some of these songs are so complex I can barely tell if there's a chorus. Maybe a few more days with it will change my mind, but it's more exhausting to listen to than fun.

And this is something I never thought I would read on a prog-oriented board.
And this is something I never thought I would read on a prog-oriented board.

Well, I'm more of a power guy than prog to begin with, and Blind Guardian has always been a power tentpole. I just feel like sometimes complexity can be self-defeating when you make an entire album out of cloth usually reserved for just a couple mold-breaking long songs.
Well, I'm more of a power guy than prog to begin with, and Blind Guardian has always been a power tentpole. I just feel like sometimes complexity can be self-defeating when you make an entire album out of cloth usually reserved for just a couple mold-breaking long songs.

But this is the kind of sound they've been pursuing for a while now. So it's not like it should come as a shock. Nevertheless, people hoping for MORE POWER...


...are well advised to look elsewhere, as I stated above.
I would agree it is complex, and excellent!

I think the only downside to the complexity is that it is not as instantly accessible as past BG releases. The hooks are still there, just takes a couple more listens than usual. But then again, I am much more of a prog fan than a power metal fan. Thus I would much rather a band this far into their career try something new rather than putting out the same thing. But most power metal fans don't minds having meat and potatoes for every meal for the rest of their lives. ;)
But this is the kind of sound they've been pursuing for a while now.
Agreed. The continued evolution of their sound, in a more and more symphonic direction, should come as a surprise to one. However, for me, they've now taken it too far and I just don't find their music compelling. It's well conceived, well executed and well produced. But I just don't hear anything in the songs that makes me want to press play again. I'll give it a few more spins and keep an open mind.
These guys are losing me fast with this release. Been a fan for years but the direction they went in, while tolerable for several releases, has just gone too far. I've played this disc twice and as Zod said, I really don't have much desire to play again. That's a shame because I've listened to these guys for so long. The hooks and riffs are just NOT there anymore. They have stripped away the metallic edge in my opinion.
Agreed. The continued evolution of their sound, in a more and more symphonic direction, should come as a surprise to one. However, for me, they've now taken it too far and I just don't find their music compelling. It's well conceived, well executed and well produced. But I just don't hear anything in the songs that makes me want to press play again. I'll give it a few more spins and keep an open mind.

I'm in full agreement here. I was excited to see that it was finally released, but I spun it twice and nothing sticks at all. Theres so much complexity it confuses me how the fuck you can even listen to it without puking. Since its on my iPod(for now), I'll spin through it again, but I'm not liking its chances of survival
Things do start to pop out at you after a few spins, but I'm still not thrilled with it. Imagine if every song on Queen's "A Night at the Opera" had been Bohemian Rhapsody. Sounds cool, because it's a great song, but it gets exhausting over the course of a full album. You need a few "normal" songs to break up the flow or else everything spirals out of control. Having "Sacred Worlds" and "Wheel of Time" as epic bookends to their last album was perfect, I wish they had stuck with that formula instead of following those songs all the way through.
you guys are depressing the hell out of me with regard to this release.....thanks.

Well I'm not gonna sweat it. I'll buy the new album and make up my own mind. Its BG after all and therefore worthy of a few good repeats on my MP3 player. If I don't like it so much it won't be so bad because I'll buy Orden Ogan's new album at the same time. Either way I'll have something good to listen to. :grin:
I would say that some of the points being made that the songs are not as catchy at first glance and the abundance of complexity (maybe too much) are true. But I guess then it is a personal preference in terms of if that is a good or a bad thing.

I like the album a lot and the epic choruses are defiantly still there, it is just that the songs and album is more dense and needs a little more time for the listener. I am actually finding it fun to dive in as I am catching more stuff each time I listen. As I said, I would much rather them try something new than just put out the same album again. BG caught shit for ATITM being too "american" or straight forward, now they are catching for being too progressive (not necessarily talking about people here). A lot of times when power metal fans find the brand of vanilla ice cream they like, they tend to stick with it.

I would go in with an open mind, knowing that it might take a couple more spins to catch on.
I'm enjoying it more and more with each listen. Very complex yes, but I don't consider that bad. Didn't even really start paying attention to the lyrics until the 3rd or 4th listen. This is not light stuff and certainly not background music. It demands to be played loud and it demands your full attention. If you are listening to this through ipod earbuds, you are doing it wrong!
Just went and grabbed this from FYE. Currently on Ashes of Eternity and grinning like a total goober. Man this album has some seriously quality shit on it! So far I'm saying it's the best release since Opera.

Aw man, and the vocal harmonies! I haven't been this jazzed about BG in a decade!